Berlin Burlesque

Baycourt - Addison Theatre, Tauranga

24/10/2011 - 25/10/2011

Tauranga Arts Festival 2011

Production Details

Welcome to 1920s Berlin.  

The Loons Circus Theatre Company, makers of the 2009 festival hit show The Butler, return with their follow up feast of sultry sexiness with Berlin Burlesque complete with catwalk, extravagant lighting, live band and visual effects.

Mentalist, entrepreneur, and lover of women Erik Jan Hanussen is the inspiration for the compelling storyline which is infused with astonishing circus skills, engaging theatre, and topped off with some fantastic live music. Berlin Burlesque is a must-see show.

Nudity and offensive material may be present, so please come with an open mind.


WHEN: Monday 24 – Tuesday 25 Oct, 7:00pm
WHERE: Baycourt Theatre
ADMISSION: Adults $40.00 (TECT $32.00) (Booking Fees Apply)
DURATION: 100 minutes (plus interval)    

2hrs incl. interval

Wellingon City Council
Auckland City Council