Club Ivy, The Garden Club, 13B Dixon St, Wellington

12/05/2010 - 15/05/2010

NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

Production Details

Jetlagged is a hilarious one-hour journey brought to you by two top up-and-coming New Zealand comedians, Brad Zimmerman and Cruzanne Macalister.  
These enthusiastic globetrotters have boldly returned from humanity’s farthest reaches and now come bearing tales of what it means to be a Kiwi while schlepping from city to city, discovering new cultures, and how it feels to be back in the greatest country on Earth. Kissing the ground of our fair Aotearoa, they can’t wait to tell stories of the good, the bad and the truly bizarre… 
…They’ve been there and done that so you don’t have to.

Dates: Wed 12 – Sat 15 May, 10pm
Venue: Club Ivy, The Garden Club, 13B Dixon St, City
Tickets: Adults $12.50, Conc $10, Groups 10+ $10
Booking: Ticketek , 0800Ticketek
Show Duration: 1 hour 


As tedious as it is grating

Review by Mel Camp 13th May 2010

Jetlagged opens with an utterly depressing half hour set from Brad Zimmerman. The fresh-faced Zimmerman manages to cover all the most predictable topics in New Zealand stand-up, from Helen versus John, to the Australian accent and all the yawn-inducing clichés in between.

He then moves on to sex, gays, blacks and the awesomeness of being drunk. There is nothing in the set that couldn’t have been written ten years ago, and it wasn’t funny then either. 

The second set by Cruzanne Macalister begins with a glimmer of hope. This cute ginger with the posh Brit accent tells us she’s from Hong Kong. This could be going somewhere interesting and new – but she never explains the one mystery in her whole routine.

The rest is littered with banal travel stories and another big dollop of racism and bigotry. Just because you’re on a stage with a mic doesn’t make it okay.

Even despite the content, both performers miss the mark when it comes to punchlines and pay-offs, which makes this show as tedious as it is grating. Audiences want, and deserve, more than this.
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Lina Hereora May 13th, 2010

Disappointed in Mels review this time! Found the duo to be very entertaining and with interesting anecdotal stories, yes some familiar kiwiana jokes but don't we love to point the finger at ourselves. Found the second act full of very funny caricatures easily identifiable and did not find the material in the least bit offensive or derogatory?...  got to beg to differ this time on this one Mel.

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