Brooklyn Bar - 57 Lorne St, Auckland

08/05/2012 - 12/05/2012

NZ International Comedy Festival 2012

Production Details

Musical comedy to brighten your soul

Surprisingly optimistic for a pessimist, Brendon Green takes to the stage armed with an acoustic guitar, charming songs, and a deceptively dark sense of humor spun through his smiling upbeat delivery in his all new show Everything Is Meaningless And Nothing Matters, LOL.

Using original songs filled with catchy riffs and clever lyrics, Auckland native Brendon Green finds the best possible reasons why it’s actually quite nice to go through life thinking that everything is meaningless. Not as depressing as it sounds (that would defeat the point of it being a comedy show), Everything Is Meaningless And Nothing Matters, LOL, is a joyous look at life, which, if were being honest, is a bit of a joke anyway.

With songs and stories about everything from mixing literature and ladies to crashing funerals for inappropriate reasons, Brendon Green generates laughs from all sorts of places. And the best part is that it’s not completely filthy, so teenagers and the elderly are more than welcome to join (because they are people too, in case you didn’t know).

Brendon Green’s Everything Is Meaningless And Nothing Matters, LOL is part of the 2012 New Zealand International Comedy Festival, and will be performed at Brooklyn Bar in Auckland at 7pm, from Tuesday 8 May through to Saturday 12 May.

As part of the NZ International Comedy Festival 2012

Dates:  Tues 8 –  Sat 12 May, 7pm
Venue: Brooklyn Bar, 57 Lorne St, Auckland CBD
Tickets:  Adults $15, Conc. $12, Groups 6+ $12
Bookings: 0800 TICKETEK (0800 842 538) or

Duration: 1 hour

For a full line up of performances, booking details &more information, visit

Insights into the average warped mind

Review by Joanna Page 09th May 2012

Last night Brendon Green performed his first solo show. Ever. And you know what? I’m glad I was there to be part of it.

It’s a big step for any performer to take to the stage alone for an hour, and Green was nervous to begin with. There was too much “what I’m going to do” talk before he relaxed and just did it. From there, we were away.

With the help of his acoustic guitar, and a pin-up of the love-of-his-life by his side, Green’s stories and original songs find humour in the mundane aspects of life, proving that everything really is meaningless.

The show is an hour-long peep into the warped mind of a self-proclaimed “average” guy. Add his guitar playing to the mix and Green is a star in the making. His penchant for combining two seemingly unrelated subjects in his songs is hilarious – man-love and food, women and reading (his top two things to do in bed) – and I honestly think he’s composed the best love song ever written.

Green’s audience was receptive (if a tad worried they’d be picked on in the very intimate venue) and quickly warmed to his self-deprecating style. Massive laughs bore that out – at one point the woman next to me was in tears. By the time he relayed his Florence/Paris story, Green had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand.

He’s at the Brooklyn Bar until Saturday May 12th. Go and see him – and tell him to get on a plane to Paris.  


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