CAREY MARX: Doom Gloom Boom (UK)

The Classic Studio, 321 Queen St, Auckland

04/05/2010 - 08/05/2010

NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

Production Details

There’s a DOOM GLOOM BOOM at the 2010 NZ International Comedy Festival – UK comedian Carey Marx investigates 
UK comedian, Carey Marx counted down the 10 most taboo words or topics at the 2009 NZ International Comedy Festival and was voted ‘Best International Act’ as a result. He is back in 2010 with his new show, The Doom Gloom Boom, which made its debut at the 09 Edinburgh Fringe. said
"**** (4 stars) Marx is clearly a top-drawer writer, combining intelligent comment with teasingly edgy wit… the hour moves with seamless ease from puerile to the political, from the whimsical to the sick, and always with cheeky charm and powerful punchlines"
Carey Marx employs his mischievous talents to poke fun at the Boom in Doom and Gloom that dominates our daily lives. It’s big business, it’s a serious issue and millions of people have strong opinions about it. Ideal fodder then for a comedian like Marx who isn’t afraid to overstep the mark to make his point raising a few laughs in the process.

Dates: Tues 4 – Sat 8 May, 10pm
Venue: The Classic Studio, Level 1, 321 Queen St, City
Tickets: Adults $26 / Conc. $22 / Groups 10+ $22
Booking: 0800 TICKETEK /  
Show Duration: 1 hour


A perfect late-night show

Review by Rachael McKinnon 05th May 2010

As Carey says, there has been a boom in doom and gloom – and why shouldn’t the comedy industry get on board? He promises us his most depressing hour of comedy, yet. I have never been happier during an hour of social anxiety in my life.

If you have seen Careyness you will know there is something of a format to the show: a top ten count down. Doom Gloom Boom is looser in style and full of the surprise-twist jokes that are so great about Carey Marx. Of course we would be better people if we punched more clowns – why didn’t I think of it myself? He has more planet-saving advice where that came from.

He talks about the nanny-state and fears of religious retribution for sinning on earth. He also talks about the way the media can incite social anxiety through something as simple as adjective selection and then illustrates this with exceptional steam-roller visuals.

He also –vividly – discusses the inherent beauty of heterosexual love-making. In fact, generating images with words is something in which Carey Marx excels. You will never listen to your Susan Boyle CD the same way –if you own one.

Doom Gloom Boom is a perfect late-night show. Carey lures you into his world of observation and clever philosophising and by the end, although he hasn’t given you the key to solving the boom in doom and gloom, he does show you how much there is to laugh at – and that has to be a good start, right?


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