Class Comedians Showcase - Wellington

San Francisco Bathhouse, 171 Cuba St, Wellington

15/05/2010 - 15/05/2010

NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

Production Details

Kids – they’re funny right? With their naive views on the world and their innocent nature, they provide perfect “funniest home video” fodder.
But this isn’t your stock-standard “charming” moments in childhood – this is a course in comedy that the likes of Rhys Mathewson and Rose Matafeo have previously plied their way through to break into the NZ comedy circuit. This is the annual Class Comedians programme.
And this year, it’s pure anarchy.
Jamie Bowen leads the Auckland classes through their paces, as the co-creator of upcoming TV show ‘A Night At The Classic’, he shares his tricks of the trade and looks to help inspire ‘funny’ kids to the full gamut of opportunities available to NZ comedians. Billy T Award winner mrs.peacock’s Dave Smith returns in his teaching roll, this time for Wellington students, so full-blown anarchic tutorials will be taking place from the top of the North Island right down to the bottom.
The lucky “class clowns” will be put through their paces with a series of Comedy Workshops on weekends and school holidays running up to the Festival. The NZ Comedy Trust invites a number of guests within the local and international comedy circuit providing advice in different areas of the profession (sketch writing, character comedy, tailoring jokes for both radio and television, publicity and promotion). This culminates in the annual Class Comedians Showcase – the ultimate comedy litmus test! Students each perform 4 minutes of comedy in front of a real live audience during the NZ International Comedy Festival.
“Being a part of Class Comedians 2006 was the most important thing that has ever happened to me, bar my birth”
– Rhys Mathewson, Class Comedian 2006 and Billy T Award nominee 2010
Class Comedians Showcase Wellington plays the San Francisco Bathhouse
Saturday 15th May, 3pm (duration: 2 hours)
Tickets: Adults $25, Students $15
Bookings: TICKETEK – 0800 TICKETEK or 
Class Comedians Showcase Auckland plays the Cadbury® Crunchie® Comedy Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, THE EDGE
Saturday 15th May, 4pm (duration: 2 hours)
Tickets: Adults $25, Students $15

Bookings: 0800 BUY TICKETS (289 842) or 


All seven show ability and originality

Review by Mel Camp 15th May 2010

The future is bright!

“Class Comedians is a yearly programme in which comedians mentor a class of school students, hand picked from try-outs earlier in the year, and help refined their talents both in creative and performance aspects” explains the media release.

Does it work? The Class Comedians Showcase (the culmination of the teaching programme) would suggest that it absolutely works.

The audience is filled with supportive friends and family and it is fantastic to see so many of our established comedians in the audience as well (sizing up the new wave of competition maybe?).

The seven teenaged performers each do a short set of original material. As MC Dave Smith explains, “they’ve been taught how to mine themselves for material”. And clearly they’ve also been taught how to deliver that material.

I am surprised at the lack of nerves and the professional delivery from everyone, even in the face of a few hiccups. They are all sharply self aware and use their knowledge to bring life and originality to their material.

Michael Smol* confidently opens the first half. He shows great skill with word play and puns and gives us intelligent, imaginative observations of modern culture. Smol also has a beautiful voice that is a real pleasure to listen to.

Jaydin King is next up. This guy is dry, self-deprecating and kind of weird. But I’ve never laughed so much about sandwiches in my life.

Grace De Wever follows with some lovely storytelling and great parent jokes (made all the more hilarious because her parents are in the front row).

The first half is rounded out by Jayden S (I’m sorry I didn’t get your last name!). “Half Samoan, half white, and all funny”. This was one of my favourite sets. I’m fairly critical of racial comedy but Jayden walked the fine line of cultural differences with precision, charm and originality.

The second half begins with Zoe Pattinson. She is cute and quirky with a wonderful natural delivery.

Josh Macintyre is next up with his “ladies’-man-lead-singer-in-a-band” persona that he deftly subverts with quick, dry comments to produce hysterical laughter from the audience.

The final performer is Bea Joblin. This lady knows her stuff. She clearly has some experience as a performer. Her acting skills and bang-on timing help her to keep the audience in stitches. Her “Facebook explained to the parents” routine is as sharp as any professional’s. She is deservedly awarded the “Nailed It on the Night” award at the end of the show.

Every single one of these performers shows ability and originality. They kept me well entertained and laughing out loud for a good 90 minutes. I dearly hope they all continue to use what they have learned in this programme to hone their craft and keep getting up there.

*Please, please forgive me if I get the names wrong. There was no programme so I’m just writing what I heard, and they may not necessarily be correct, despite some Facebook stalking!
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News. 


Jayden Sulufaiga May 17th, 2010

Hey waddup! this is Jayden "S" haha my last name is Sulufaiga, don't worry about forgetting it, it's people like you that inspired my first gag :) I'm glad you enjoyed my set!! Peace!

Michael Smol May 16th, 2010

 Heya, just commenting to say thanks for the awesome review :D I'm glad you find I have a beautiful voice xD

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