
Inch Bar, 8 Bank St, Northeast Valley, Dunedin

12/03/2018 - 14/03/2018

Dunedin Fringe 2018

Production Details

Christchurch comic Aaron Jelley invites you into the minds of five artists, each coping with their own grief… to varying success. Failed careers, failed relationships, failed dreams, everyday disappointments catapult these disparate characters into surreal inner worlds of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and, with luck, acceptance. Enjoy the mess, and thank the stars it’s not you.

Runtime 1 hour

Dates/times Mon 12 March, Tues 13 March, Wed 14 March, 9.45pm

Ticket price range Koha

Booking details http://www.dunedinfringe.nz/

Comedy ,

1 hour

Wellingon City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust
Creative NZ
Auckland City Council