Kitty O'Sheas, 28 Courtenay Place, Wellington

13/05/2014 - 17/05/2014

NZ International Comedy Festival 2014

Production Details

Wellington’s mercurial duo, Dan Shenton (2011 Raw Wellington regional finalist) and James Jobe (voted top Wellington MC 2013) love people and people love them. But something serious has been bugging the fun-loving two.  

Like, for example, why do some people want to fight? Why’ll others want to party all night?  

Or why do some people want to have a lark. Why’ll others want to invade Iraq?  

In short, Dan and James really desperately and whole heartedly want to know why some people just can’t get along.  

To explore this perplexing condition, they’ve taken on 5 nights this 2014 International Comedy Festival in order to answer the hard questions (and the soft ones too). But they will try their damn hardest to find out why we can’t just all get along, and why we can’t just be…  

In Stereo.  

So please, join Dan and James for some physical, spontaneous and witty fun – because having fun is nice, and it makes you feel good.

Which is good, for reals good.

As part of the 2014 NZ International Comedy Festival in cahoots with Old Mout Cider, grab some mates and join us for a great night of laughs from 24 April – 18 May.

For the full Comedy Fest show line-up head to comedyfestival.co.nz

Dates: Tue 13 – Sat 17 May, 7pm
Venue: Kitty O’Sheas, 28 Courtney Pl
Tickets: $15 – $18
Bookings: eventfinda.co.nz

Less mono more stereo?

Review by Shannon Friday 14th May 2014

The word that strikes me with this show is ‘potential’.  While each of these comedians has great ideas, each is also limited in craft to the detriment of the show as a whole.

You can see the ideas growing with James Malcom‘s opening act.  He’s young, and his routine about growing up in Naenae has some great lines – born to work in fast food! – but it is limited in execution.  There are some basics of joke writing that need attention; at several points the punchline is actually contained in the setup.  Still, there’s a developing comedic voice at work here, and I look forward to seeing more from him.

Dan Shenton is up next.  His jokes are based around the idea that living in stereo means living in harmony, and Shenton boldly examines places in New Zealand society where that could and should happen. 

He’s got a great eye for a setup – at one point, we actually coo with delight at the possibilities.  But a weak commitment limits our enjoyment.  Names for the new Mongrel Mob / Black Power lawn mowing business in Dunedin?  Brilliant idea.  More than one name would work well here. 

The final comedian is James Jobe.  He’s engaging to watch; his high-energy approach is a great contrast to Shenton’s more low-key style.  Jobe also acknowledges our reactions, which I really appreciate.  A joke about how the audience at the gig should sabotage Reading Cinema is wonderful, and it is great to see Jobe put the comedy back on himself.

With Jobe, though, my biggest question is “Who is the butt of this joke?”  There’s a long section about his dad’s rage at TV commercial, and believe me, my partner has listened to more than a few rants about the women in yoghurt ads, but Jobe keeps glancing sideways at his dad throughout.  I get the feeling these jokes were not run past the family first, and it makes me uncomfortable to see Jobe so uneasy.  A simple preface along the lines of “My dad is the gentlest man in the world” would go a long way here. 

For me, the most engaging part of the night is Jobe and Shenton’s introduction.  It is short and to the point, but I get the feeling that these guys enjoy sharing the stage.  I can’t help but wonder whether they would work as a double-act, trading off as they go rather than each taking a long turn.


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