Danny McChrystal and Reuben Lee are Full English

The Transmission Room, Auckland

14/05/2009 - 16/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

Come see two Brits work their work through any subject under the sun, delivering a show where no subject is too uncomfortable for the boys from the North.  Full English, Full English.

Featuring two award-nominated comedians, this is a great new show being launched at this year’s International Comedy Festival.

Danny McChrystal and Reuben Lee are both ex-pats from northern England and are two sides to the same hilarious coin.

They invite you and all of your friends to witness their take on any topic, where no matter how dark or controversial it may be, is off-limits.

"We’re both in the offensive bracket," laughs Reuben.

From the confused ramblings of the Bible to the often painful experience of retail therapy, this is a show that will appeal to people of all nationalities whether you are a Kiwi, Brit or anyone who has settled in a new country.

"We like to do things that make the audience laugh but think a bit as well," Danny says.

Danny made it to the final of the RAW Comedy Quest at last year’s festival and was nominated as ‘best newcomer’ at the recent NZ Comedy Guild Awards, where Reuben was also nominated twice for ‘most offensive gag’ and ‘gag of the year’.

The boys will be joined by one of New Zealand’s rising stars, Stella Graham as MC.

Over the five months leading up to the festival, they are also being followed (some would say stalked) by an award-winning film-maker producing a documentary about their ‘road to the festival’, capturing all of the tears, laughter and stroppy fits along the way.

Expect to see some exclusive footage from the documentary at the show.

Dates:  Thursday 14th, Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May, 10pm 
Venue:  Transmission Room 
Tickets:  $15, $12 concessions 
Bookings:  0800 TICKETEK (0800 842 5385) www.ticketek.co.nz 

Black humour from ex-pat Poms

Review by Venus Stephens 15th May 2009

I’m reading the ’09 Comedy Fest guide, the caption that accompanies the Danny McChrystal and Reuben Lee ‘FULL ENGLISH’ gig states "nothing is considered taboo". You can say that again.

The latter in the billing is first out on stage. Reuben Lee has swagger and (I hate to say it) sex appeal. His visceral ramblings are spat out accompanied by the occasional inhalation of beer.

I use the word ‘visceral’ because he reminisces about romantic entanglements and childhood hopes with such a corrugated tone I’m cringing more than laughing.  

Lee is joined very early on in his set by his 17 year old son, who is a member of the showcase Class Comedians also featuring in the festival. The spotlight is diverted for 5 minutes or so while the young comedian tests his comic prowess on the adult crowd. He’s not bad, the young charge unconsciously echoes his Dad’s mannerisms but maintains the laughs required to enjoy his set.

After a quick swap of endearments from Father to Son, Reuben is back to titillate with more jaw slackening banter about his former life and livelihood in the UK. A retelling of ‘confectionary abuse’ makes me wonder how on earth his long suffering wife can be a subject in his tales and not want to slap his ears. (The words patience and humility were created for the other halves of comedians, I’m sure of it).

Danny McChrystal, also equipped with swagger and sex appeal, is the other ‘book end’ in this duo. He’s the younger of the two and has his fair share of ‘gagging’ tales. I swear these Poms need their own censorship rating with their quips about religion and hometown encounters.

Emigrating and settling into work and general New Zealand life brings both comics sets into what seems like 2 seconds (total) of seriousness. English patrons dotted throughout the gig offer up heckles only a ‘local’ on their side of the globe could understand. It’s a reminder that our diverse city culture is broadening by the day, thus ‘newbies’ to our shores are adding to our NZ history and altering their own.

Hopefully we can all try to see something complimentary in our collective communities: another thought shared by both Mc Chrystal and Lee in the conclusion of their sets.

If you’re a homesick Brit or just like black humour (theirs is burnt charcoal) give this show a gander.
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