Darkness: mixed bill (2019)

Basement Theatre Studio, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland

04/02/2019 - 04/02/2019

Production Details

Darkness: Choreographers Tru Paraha, Tallulah Holly-Massey and Kyah Dove share separate works.

5th Body: xorcsm
Choreography, Sound, Production: Tru Paraha

5th Body: xorcsm
Choreography, Sound, Production: Tru Paraha

5th Body is a quintet dance that premiered at the Votive Poetics Workshop in Auckland, 2018. The trio adaption features performances by Kosta Bogoievski, Sean Macdonald, and David Yates. 

The lover is scraped from out of their ruins & rendered unhuman. Join us for this tender xorcsm.

Images 5th Body, Tru Paraha choreography, performer Kosta Bogoievski, photo by Peter Jennings, 2018.

Tallulah Holly-Massey (choreographer/performance based visual artist) and James Risbey (sound designer/visual artist) create an experimental new work with sound and movement. 
So real is a sensory study of an alternate body. 

So real : a modern siren
               a virtual apparition 
               a skin thing


Welcome inside the death/birth portal. Here is where one allows themselves time to stagnate, to hibernate and fester before birthing the next evolution of their journey. A place to mourn the death of an old self; an old paradigm; a previous life. This is a dance of the healed and the unhealed. The art of turning poison into medicine. To celebrate the non-linear nature of healing and allow the shadow to be witnessed, to be held, to be danced.


Evening performances: $25/18 conc or group, other deals for the week or 2 for 1 at Basement Theatreand iticket
Workshops: $15/10 conc
Talks/discussions: Free of charge
Offsite performances times/places tbc: Free of charge

PROMOCODE: Students with ID: LOVE2019 ($15 performances, $5 workshops) Maximum of 40.

Workshops Group 4+ Get a group together of 4 or more to a Workshop and pay only $10 each
Performances Group 4+ Get a group together of 4 or more to a Performance and pay only $18 each
2 Tickets for $30 2 (Adult) Tickets for different performance/workshops for only $30
All Performances Only A ticket to all 5 x Performances across the week for $75
All Sessions A ticket to all 14 x Performances & Workshops across the week for $115

Performance installation , Performance Art , Dance , Contemporary dance ,

90 mins

Exhausted physicality. Stinging experience. Visual ecstacy.

Review by Neža Jamnikar 05th Feb 2019

Tru Paraha (5th Body: xorcsm)

Simplicity of a physical body builds up to battle the support and challenge itself.

Exhausting the insides to be able to be / human /

/ exorcising journey to oneself.

Electrifying insides are exploding in rage of an evolution of a man.

Heavenly dramatic form of what is wanted and expected is brought to an edge –

exhausted physicality, repetition, deconstruction, pushing and pulling  – building towards satisfying aesthetics.

Absurdity and beauty of male physicality, perception of periphery.

How much a body can take and surrender – theirs and mine?

Extremely disturbing, yet mesmerizing, throwing and shaking of the head until the only thing I can see is a blurred moment of struggle.


An army bride is cautiously sliding through space.

A bat of my unconscious –

you don’t need to convince me to look INTO you.


Kyah Dove (Death. Birth. Death. Dance)


A flower of wounds –

pined precisely to the flesh

to remind of unseen.

Breath cuddles the body,

finding ways to bloom the feminine beauty.


And a story of a stinging experience.


Spinning shadow

of a spinning Earth

has washed ashore parts of the body

– shake with possible

and drag the leftovers through dirt.

Wash the past off of fingers,

cut the hands off

and drown the hair.

Don’t ask anymore, give or receive.


I will drink the water from your womb

– until I’m reborn.


Tallulah Holly-Massey


Tallulah’s work is a visual ecstacy.

Detailed proximity of growing, moving, changing and dying – of a mushroom / and a body – is essential.

A never-ending battle of trying, and understanding the space.

Beautifully disturbing potentiality of a female body,

of everything that lies under the skin

and floats in an extremely satisfying unknown.

Repetitive precision, abrupt failure of form, intentionally distorted attempts (to exist) – in physicality and conceptuality.

Dramatic utopia making love with cynical body.

Slippery moments of resistance and collapsing under pressure.

Tender moving through…

Sound, moving bodies and imagery mesmerizingly gliding side by side, interweaving, dependent on each other, but with clear understanding of each other’s needs and individuality, without pressure to interrupt.

Painfully humours reality is making me uncomfortable / here is where some of us will stay in bubbles and some of us will pop.



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