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Q Theatre Loft, 305 Queen St, Auckland

15/03/2016 - 20/03/2016

Auckland Arts Festival 2016

Production Details

In a nutshell:  
Blistering rhetoric / Toastmasters’ delight / Gobsmacking performance

an electrifying and transcendent piece of art – EXEUNT, Scotland

Take 2,500 years of oratory, five microphones and one-man multilingual powerhouse Valentijn Dhaenens and you have the theatrical loop-de-loop that is BigMouth.

Juxtaposing fragments of world-famous speeches of the kind that started wars and revolutions, excited hearts and minds and made listeners tremble, protest and guffaw, this virtuoso solo work has a cast of full-on movers and shakers.

From Goebbels to General Patton, from Socrates to the bumbling Dubya, Dhaenens shapeshifts, croons and loops his way through history, examining racism, justice and human vulnerability as he goes.

BigMouth exposes the biggest con of the talker’s trade – that the voices of good and evil are rhetorically indistinguishable, that talkers talk the same talk no matter the walk.

Whether you’re a history buff, a budding politician or you’ve just joined toastmasters, you’ll want to be lending us your ears for this sell-out hit of the Edinburgh Fringe.

Q Loft
March 2016
Tue 15 & Wed 16, 7:00pm
Thu 17 & Fri 18, 8:30pm
Sat 19, 2:00pm & 8:30pm 
Sun 20, 7:00pm
1hr 20mins no interval
$53 – $59

Post-show talk: Wednesday 16 March  

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Aotearoa Gaming Trust
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Auckland City Council
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