Dude ... I'm a Unicorn & Other Short Stories

Bluenote Bar, Wellington

19/02/2007 - 24/02/2007

NZ Fringe Festival 2007

Production Details

Created and performed by Derek Flores

genericderek productions

Dude…I’m A Unicorn is a one man, multi character, melan-comedy written and starring Canadian comedy import Derek Flores.  Relocated from Toronto Derek Flores has had a long career in improvisation and comedic theatre beginning at the age of 16 when he joined world renowned improv theatre Loose Moose Theatre Company.  He has pursued a life as a street performer, which has evolved into festival MC, continuing as playwright, and most recently as sketch satirist at Toronto’s famed Second City Theatre

Since moving here Derek has won the New Faces competition and earned himself a nomination as “Best New Comer” at the Wellington Comedy Awards.  Ready to take Wellington comedy by storm Flores is excited by his first attempt at a one man show and is eager to showcase his ability for unique whimsical characters, playful story telling, and lonely ‘coming of age’ comedy.

Dude…I’m A Unicorn is one hour journey arm in arm with unicorns, Mexican wrestlers, hot air balloons, wooden puppets, and the whimsy of growing up different.

When: Feb 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th – 8:00pm
Venue: Bluenote Bar
Prices: Full $15 Concession $12 Addict $10
Tickets: (04) 801 5007 or bluenote@paradise.net.nz

Theatre , Solo , Stand-up comedy ,

55 mins

Bizarre, darkening, intriguing

Review by John Smythe 20th Feb 2007

More than just a stand up comedy show, Derek Flores’s Dude I’m A Unicorn is a recovery exercise in make believe; in storytelling simply as a means of expanding our imaginations beyond the mundane or even the deeply meaningful.

Mind you, given what he sketches in about his early life in Canada, his ‘relationship’ with his father, his current relationship with his Kiwi partner … it is tempting to read manifestations of unresolved wants and needs into his extraordinary tale of encountering a unicorn on the south coast.

But lest we make too much of that, it’s also important to note that a ‘theatresports’ component adds randomness, in that personal snippets offered from the audience are integrated into the ever more bizarre and darkening story. Which is not to say what he does with that material cannot be psycho-analysed too, although what we make of what he makes of it may well say more about us than it does about him …

There are stories within stories within stories that run the risk of losing their way, or losing us, because their reason for being is so tenuous. But what makes it work is Flores’s winning ways of engaging with his audience and ‘selling’ his material with total conviction – even if he was not much good at his ‘real job’ of selling men’s clothing downtown. His physical and vocal characterisations are also fully committed – and some may think he should be too … You get that with comedians.  

Meanwhile Dude I’m A Unicorn offers an intriguing way to spend an hour in the welcoming ambience of the Bluenote Bar.


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