Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, The Edge, Auckland

27/04/2010 - 01/05/2010

NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

Production Details

Greatest TV show in theatre!
E.K.Z TV is a sketch comedy show featuring parodies of pop culture, famous celebrities and TV shows, all while maintaining Polynesian cultural in-jokes and Kiwi humour.
The show can be seen at the Herald Theatre from Tuesday 27th April 2010 through to Saturday 1st May 2010 at 7:00pm
The ElectricKokoZoids brand new show E.K.Z TV features some of the freshest up and coming writers, comedy actors and entertainers New Zealand has to offer. As a group they have performed numerous times at Auckland’s Pasifika Festivals, and in the 2007 and 2008 New Zealand International Comedy Festivals, the latter of which won them the Best Newcomer Award for their show South Pacific Games.
No body, place, program or culture is spared in the KokoZoids comedy sketches. Prepare yourself for popular shows and song remakes like Lady Kaka, A-Way Planet with David Attenborough and Survivor: Manurewa, as well as the KokoZoids signature mime performance.
Tickets Cost $15 for adults, and $10 for seniors, students and beneficiaries
Please visit the KokoZoids website http://www.bebo.com/E-K-Z for reviews and a little taster of what you have in store.
Dates: Tuesday 27 April – Saturday 1 May, 7pm
Venue: The Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE, City
Tickets: Adults $15, Conc. & Groups 10+ $10
Bookings: 0800 BUYTICKETS, www.the-edge.co.nz 
Show Duration: 1 hour   

Madcap and haphazard

Review by Venus Stephens 28th Apr 2010

The ElectricKokoZoids are mad, funny, musical, whimsical, original and creative. They are not sane, boring, pitch perfect, a recycled version of other ‘gifted and brown’ comedy cliques or exclusively brown; they have two token white guys in the crew.
This collective – of nine, by my count – is a vibrant and interesting bunch of performers. Distinctive in their style, they have built their show on writing what they know. In this case, it seems to be too much TV.
Aaah yes… I can relate to the babysitter known as ‘the telly’… Oh the desires she can invoke with her promise of fame and fortune just a click away.
EKZTV is shabby in some parts and greasily slick in others. I love the madcap and haphazard way these guys share their comedy. I can overlook the missed lines and see through the clumsy audio gaffs. It is the show’s core message that has me on-side. With polishing and practice, the EKZ’s send up style is guaranteed to prosper.
Clever writing makes fodder of politicians, music divas and talk shows. The show has a fair share of ‘camp’ moments. Musical numbers have me in fits, the onstage energy never wanes. Their recipe of ‘man-boys’ mucking around skit-style has my nod of approval.

It would be great to see the EKZ crew touring this show around schools. Obviously, some themes would require adjustment, but the underlying message – to chase your dreams – is one that young people can never hear enough.

I wish them all the best, in their quest to dispel the myth, “the brown faces on TV are computer generated.”


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