EDWA 2020 - Virginia Kennard and Charles Koroneho

Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, Auckland

01/12/2020 - 01/12/2020

Experimental Dance Week Aotearoa 2020

Production Details

Virginia Kennard, Disssordered Deficit of Active Attention

long and unhurried and unlasting and done

it’s a feeling lonely feeling, feeling lonely
syncopated surprise, dickmatized, enraging disintegration

go bright or go home
bitch please, i’m self-cultivated

the munderscore
cross cultural competency

thoughtless kneejerk enthusiasm
well-considered dismissal

not up for debate [adversarial rhetorical spectacle of dominance and winning]
here for immersive contemplative restorative reparative mates

i will be practicing dancing to practice dance

Herald Theatre, 7pm

Performance installation , Multi-discipline , Experimental dance , Dance , Contemporary dance ,

1 hour

Limbo/Tick, tick, tick

Review by Nicole Wilkie 02nd Dec 2020

Opening – Charles Koroneho
A state of limbo
Existing yet waiting to be born
Simultaneously both and neither
A seeking, a mourning
A beginning, an ending
An inbetween
Shifting, finding the light
Moving from night to illumination
Strength in vulnerability under the lunar

Disordered Deficit Active Attention – Virginia Kennard

Tick, tick, tick
Loop, stitch, loop, stitch
A scarf, a blanket
Colourful, repeating
Tick, tick, tick
Loop, stitch, loop, stitch
Fragmented mind, bodily autonomy
Tangled threads, empowerment
Tick, tick, tick
Loop, stitch, loop, stitch
Calming, overwhelming
A woman, a human
Tick, tick, tick


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Wellingon City Council
Auckland City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust