Te Auaha, Tapere Nui, 65 Dixon Street, Te Aro, Wellington

29/02/2024 - 02/03/2024

Production Details

Rosanne Stuart – Director
Nicholas Maguire and Shane Dechavez – Choreographers

Inside Outside Dance: https://insideoutsidedance.com/

Embrace is 60 minutes of dance theatre celebrating the rollercoaster ride that is life. Embrace is a disability-led performance and casts 5 artists from InsideOutside Dance, International Model, Activist and dancer Madeline Stuart, five-time Australian and one time world champion dancer Denzel, Kala, Anthony and Jess. All students have varying disabilities including, ASD, Turner syndrome, intellectual disability, Down syndrome or are legally blind. The production follows the journey of these individuals as they navigate the difficult challenges that people with disabilities are faced within the real world. You will be laughing, crying, uplifted, and motivated for change by the end of the show!

“Re-live your youth as you follow their journey through high-school and graduation, only to fall into an understanding of loneliness and isolation. Celebrate a spark of hope that is only a small step of courage away and embrace the glistening lights of what the future has to hold.” The hilarious and thought-provoking script by Disability Activist Rosanne Stuart has been paired with outstanding choreography from choreographers Nicholas Maguire and Shane Dechavez.

Te Auaha – Tapere Nui
Level 1, 65 Dixon Street
Te Aro

Show Schedule:
All are wheelchair accessible

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Madeline Stuart
Denzel Van Uitregt
Kala Sawtell
Anthony Cnls
Jess Wilson

Dance , Dance-theatre ,

60 Minutes

Imbued with a generosity

Review by Lyne Pringle 02nd Mar 2024

Embrace is the aptly named performance by InsideOutside Dance from Brisbane.  Audience members are welcomed into the space to celebrate the joy of disability-led performance.

The cast give it their all with exuberance and love. From the production notes we learn that they are: international model, activist and dancer and founder of the company Madeline Stuart, five-time Australian and one time world champion dancer Denzel Van Uitregt, Kala Sawtell , Anthony Cnls and Jess Wilson. All performers have varying disabilities including, ASD, Turner syndrome, intellectual disability, Down syndrome or are legally blind.

Their moves are choreographed by Nicholas Maguire and Shane Dechavez and Rosanne Stuart directs the performance.

Utilizing pop music, clear scenes, simple props, costumes and peppy dance moves the first half portrays (albeit a very Americanised version) the community and support found at school. 
The second half of the performance delves into the difficulties that arise for disabled people when they lose this foundation. 
The performers and show creators are unafraid to delve into the sorrow, isolation and despair that can come from living with a disability. They point out that: people see the disability rather than the person and not all disabilities are visible but it doesn’t mean they do not pose difficulties. There is an acknowledgement of disability but they challenge the notion that it defines a person.

Eventually a sense of community can be rekindled through performance and dance to find the delight and power that comes from being part of a crew. Dance companies Jolt in Christchurch and Touch Compass in Auckland are forging into this domain in Aotearoa.

Throughout the show there are murmurs of approval and recognition from the audience. The performance is imbued with a generosity that harnesses the indomitable spirit of these performers. The whole auditorium is enveloped in a warm embrace.


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