Generations: a mixed bill

Basement Theatre Studio, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland

05/02/2019 - 05/02/2019

Experimental Dance Week Aotearoa 2019

Production Details

GenerationsChoreographers Alana Yee, Dance Plant Collective, Vicky Kapo share separate works
8-9.30pm: Basement Theatre (Studio)

Performance evening: 

Alana Yee: ‘Past the Present’

‘We are the only species that systematically destroy our own habitat.’ – Marianne Williamson

Reclaiming: Space for the shadow self – our fundamental darkness, dis-placed self, embracing instinct, the irrational, psychological astral projection, perceived personal inferiority, moral deficiency, primal ignorance, persistent and deceptive illusion, difficult to identify. 

An exorcise in personal and collective transformation, celebration, realising the GIFt in presence, listening and reflection, connection, creating value in this dystopian utopia myopia. 

Dance Plant Collective

The collective shares an improvisation practice that they are experimenting with, called “Exist as Rainforest.” We invite everybody to come and join us for our workshop the following day, which will break-down this improvisational method and share the rituals and techniques we have for entering it. 

Vicky Forest Kapo: # Performance.

עזראל is the angel of death
mori no oto is the sound a forest makes 
john doe is one of us, lying there.

From the house of daughters and the temple of knowledge crumbles of story and sound move through space. it is a channelled wrestling match between the desire to leave no trace and the need to give recognition for the gift that it is. Breath. 


Evening performances: $25/18 conc or group, other deals for the week or 2 for 1 at Basement Theatreand iticket
Workshops: $15/10 conc
Talks/discussions: Free of charge
Offsite performances times/places tbc: Free of charge

PROMOCODE: Students with ID: LOVE2019 ($15 performances, $5 workshops) Maximum of 40.

Workshops Group 4+ Get a group together of 4 or more to a Workshop and pay only $10 each
Performances Group 4+ Get a group together of 4 or more to a Performance and pay only $18 each
2 Tickets for $30 2 (Adult) Tickets for different performance/workshops for only $30
All Performances Only A ticket to all 5 x Performances across the week for $75
All Sessions A ticket to all 14 x Performances & Workshops across the week for $115

Performance installation , Performance Art , Dance , Contemporary dance ,

90 mins

Unapologetic realness. Ever-passing forms. Celebration of connectivity

Review by Neža Jamnikar 06th Feb 2019

Vicky Kapo (# Performance)


John Doe –

is one / all of us.

Today’s warrior

of yesterday’s paradigms.


Putting up an emotional tent –

bones of words,

skin of undertones.

Endless potentiality of the structure.

Look beyond the form.


Beautifully filled / held space

with tenderness, softness and striking honesty.


Collective breaths of individualities / suspended possibilities


Structuring, building, balancing, deconstructing.

It can be whatever you need /want /desire –

an acceptance of subjectivity.

Confessions of failure are our realities.


Her unapologetic realness

and excitingly chaotic mind

are co-creating genius loci of the space she’s in –

here, or no matter where.


Suck my bones dry,

Roll my skin up.

She desires,

aren’t you? –

Is a social identity question.


 Dance Plant Collective


Repetitive sounding of bodies.

Breathing Plant is

richness of individual qualities.


Satisfying flow of exhausting motives –

Is there ever a conflict?


Physicality, space and ideas

are accidentally meeting and consciously deciding –

where to go, where to be and who to be?



Influencing / connections /disconnections / touch /collision / intersection / coincidence / contrast / departure /drift /alteration /


Ever-passing forms

In and out / stay / and hold the state of being.


Deep appreciation for subjective exploration of collective philosophy.

Simplicity of structured improvisation

is life in its core.


Finish at the beginning –

what is left is for you to decide.


 Alana Yee (Past the Present)


Welcome to the party.


Illuminated black mass

giving birth to absurdity –

evoking discomfort.


Collective cord of madness.

Passing the Present –

peeling the present of past

supports celebration of connectivity on a Chinese New Year.


Slightly intimidating, she said,

is crowd-surfing on our gratitude and manifestations.


May the Year of the Pig bring you

excitement, optimism, joy, wealth and good fortune.


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