Good Breeding

Basement Theatre Studio, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland

26/03/2024 - 28/03/2024

Production Details

Written and performed by David Stuart
Produced by China Gonzalez

Award-winning Scottish Comedian David Stuart brings his first ever solo show to Auckland for the first ever time.

Grab your hop card and come along for an hour of stand-up that is so sex and body positive, it might end in an orgy.

Expect subjects like sex education, flavoured condoms, and, for some reason, the movie Titanic.

The Basement Theatre – Studio

Dates and Times
26 – 28 MAR, 6.30PM

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Booking Details/ Links

David Stuart

Stand-up comedy , Comedy , Solo , Theatre ,

50 to 60Mins

Well written with amusing asides and why aren't there savoury-flavoured condoms?

Review by David Charteris 27th Mar 2024

On the stage at the Basement’s Studio space, genteel furniture and a gilt mirror greet us as we enter.

How does this fit with the publicity blurb, I wonder?

Then the very affable David Stuart enters, and it all makes sense. 

A self-proclaimed international pre-celebrity, David is a very relaxed storyteller, informing us of the birth of the universe and the forming of evolution up to and including his school sex education lessons in 1980’s Scotland.

The show is very well written with amusing asides into the Titanic film and why aren’t there savoury flavoured condoms but it all comes back to the main story thread – breeding and how we were.

Confused? Go and see this gem of a show and you won’t be. The audience loved it.

The image of his ‘Henry’, an AI unstoppable penis and the aftermath, will stay with me. Unfortunately.

I do thank him for showing me that boring people were conceived from boring sex and that anal sex can lead to pregnancy.

There is a single rose on each seat, and I imagine that this is such a nice touch, a rose for each of us to take home to remember him by. No. We are instructed to throw them at him at the curtain call. Fabulous. Don’t all actors want that?

Well done, you well-bred man. Much success to you, and looking forward to your next well written, story-led comedy show.


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