HAMISH PARKINSON: Party Party Party. Fun Fun Fun.

BATS Theatre (Out-Of-Site) Understudy Bar, Wellington

09/05/2014 - 10/05/2014

Auckland Old Folks Association. 8 Gundry Street (off K' Road), Auckland

15/05/2014 - 17/05/2014

NZ International Comedy Festival 2014

Production Details

Sometimes being an adult sucks, sometimes we just wanna play silly games to escape the fear of aging, sometimes we just wanna party.  

Come along and join Hamish in celebrating all births in the greatest, most absurd, and dumbest birthday party you’ve never had. 

“Hamish Parkinson is a delight to watch” – Theatreview.org.nz

Dates:  Fri 9 & Sat 10 May, 11pm 
Venues:  BATS Theatre Understudy, Wellington 
Tickets:  Entry by Koha   
Bookings:  hamishparkinson@gmail.com 

Dates:  Thu 15 – Sat 17 May, 7pm 
Venues:  Auckland Old Folks Association Hall 
Tickets:  Entry by Koha   
Bookings:  hamishparkinson@gmail.com 


Creative comedy outside the box

Review by Regan Crummer 16th May 2014

Hamish Parkinson, in a word, is brilliant. Basically, his show is a celebration of Hamish’s life on the planet, and I thoroughly enjoy every part of this wacky showcase; this beautiful chaos.

He opens with a song and dance, inviting the audience to join in with his amusing take on a well-known ditty. He goes from extreme bursts of energy to little sly asides that, along with his wicked facial expressions, are hilarious.  Hamish switches between narrating some of his personal experiences and playing caricatures of himself. His character comedy is really striking.  

His short show is divided into three parts, and each explores a different section of his life and experiences. He uses his creative mind to the extreme, playing a game of pass the parcel – with him as the parcel! He is not afraid to get up close to the audience, giving lap dances at one point! He knows exactly how to exercise a person’s chuckle muscles.  

He journeys through his childhood, teen and adult years, addressing dating and regrets, and recalling memories of his father to name just a few topics. Hamish brings a real freshness to his comedy: it is raw and the comedy doesn’t trickle out but rather gushes in torrents, drenching the audience. 

What I especially like about him is his creativity.  He takes the fantastic then makes it twice as good. It’s nice to see some comedy at the festival that is not your typical standup but goes outside the box.


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