Heath Franklin’s Chopper – Live from Anzakistan

SKY CITY Theatre, Auckland

12/05/2016 - 14/05/2016

Opera House, Wellington

15/05/2016 - 15/05/2016

Theatre Royal, 78 Rutherford Street, Nelson

17/05/2016 - 17/05/2016

Isaac Theatre Royal, Christchurch

18/05/2016 - 18/05/2016

NZ International Comedy Festival 2016

Production Details


As seen on TV3’s Chopper’s Republic of Anzakistan and 7 Days

After taking the former countries of New Zealand and Australia, throwing out the shit bits, and creating the world’s newest superpower Anzakistan, Chopper is back and ready to lay down the law. He may not have any experience, but at least you know where he stands – right behind a moustache.

Now is the time to say ’Yes we can’. Call in sick for work because you’re hung-over? ’Yes we can’. Tracksuit pants to a job interview? ’Yes we can’. Can you stop at the bottle shop on the way over? ‘Yes we can’. And wouldn’t it be great we had a leader who could just happily admit he was ‘a dodgy bastard’, a thief and a crook? The future for our glorious nation is bright with Chopper as your leader, that’s why he’s wearing sunglasses.

After dominating the airwaves in 2015, Chopper’s back on stage, and in stabbing distance, armed with a brand new hour of comedy as he tours Live From Anzakistan; visiting Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Nelson, Whangarei and Tauranga. Citizens of Anzakistan, join the revolution – harden up and book tickets now. Viva la Moustache!

‘Australia’s funniest comedy character… ★★★★★– The Sunday Mail, AUS

‘This is a top hour of uproariously entertaining comedy…packed with good gags and ‘so wrong its right’ moments’ ★★★★★– Chortle, UK


Tickets: $38-$45 (service fees may apply)

Dates: Tue 10 May
Venue: Forum North
Booking: www.ticketek.co.nz // 0800 842 538

Dates: Wed 11 May
Venue: Baycourt Community & Arts Centre
Booking: www.ticketek.co.nz // 0800 842 538

Dates: Thu 12 – Sat 14 May
Venue: Sky City
Booking: www.ticketek.co.nz // 0800 842 538

Dates: Sun 15 May
Venue: Opera House
Booking: www.ticketek.co.nz // 0800 842 538

Dates: Tue 17 May
Venue: Theatre Royal
Booking: www.ticketdirect.co.nz // 0800 224 224

Dates: Wed 18 May
Venue: Isaac Theatre Royal
Booking: www.ticketek.co.nz // 0800 842 538

Theatre , Stand-up comedy ,

A smart comedian at work

Review by Simon Howard 16th May 2016

Wearing a dictator-style jacket, Chopper arrives ready to lay down the law and provide another hour of gripes to a near-capacity Opera House audience. The character’s trademark mirrored sunglasses, horseshoe moustache and tattoos are all firmly in evidence, as is the usual rude, crude and to the point style of comedy.  

The premise of the show is simple, allowing Chopper to go through a whole raft of changes he’d make to Australia and New Zealand if they united under his leadership to become the Republic of Anzakistan. Politicians, flags and anthems all come under scrutiny as Chopper fires off his annoyances at a relentless rate.

This isn’t merely an hour of objections though, as numerous solutions are presented to us, most with a simplistic premise. 

Chopper is a character Heath Franklin has been bringing to life for around a decade now and as a result he is at ease on stage, poking fun and taking apart his absurd observations on contemporary life. Not everything lands, but the pace of the show is such that no sooner have you digested one gag then another is already on the way.

There is a sharp awareness of what is topical and this is reflected in the subjects Chopper deconstructs. Audience interaction is kept to a minimum which allows the show to maintain its energy and pace, something which has hindered previous festival appearances. There is a clear admiration towards New Zealand from Franklin’s character, and we are left in little doubt that he feels Australians have much to learn from our laid-back attitude. 

Chopper’s success lies in being the voice of common sense, something which his audiences seem to really respond to. Beneath the veneer of this swearing character though there is a smart comedian at work, with a more liberal and witty brand of humour than you may expect.


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