Circa Theatre, 1 Taranaki St, Waterfront, Wellington

07/07/2020 - 18/07/2020

Production Details

The Improvisors and Circa want to get kids involved in live theatre. We know that kids love theatre. We also know that kids love theatre that’s interactive. And that’s what The Improvisors do.

The Improvisors are back for the July school holidays with a theatrical experience that lets the audience take charge. The kids’ suggestions will drive the scenes – they provide sound effects, props and even costumes. It is Improv for Kids!

The Improvisors’ comedy takes you into the magic of your own imagination. Every show is unique – crafted for the children by comedians who are mums and dads. The kids love it – they shout out, they dance, they wriggle and move – and are encouraged to be part of the action.

This is a show that provides genuine family entertainment perfect for those aged 4–12 and parents who are young at heart! Gift your child or grandchild with the magic of theatre – and you will probably have a giggle or two, too.

Circa One, 1 Taranaki St, Wellington Waterfront
July School Holidays
7 – 18 July 2020
Tues – Sat 11am
All tickets $15!
Book Now!

  • Limited capacity of 140 in Circa One (224-seat theatre)
  • General admission seating so patrons can space out from other groups/bubbles
  • Hand sanitiser at the theatre entry, Box Office, bar, bathrooms, and by the water cooler
  • The building has regular and thorough cleaning by both professional cleaners and Box Office staff
  • All bookings have a name, email and contact phone number associated for contact tracing

Theatre , Improv , Children’s ,

1 hr

Great interactive and entertaining fun

Review by Jo Hodgson 10th Jul 2020

“Improvise: verb – to create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation”.

I think if 2020 has shown us anything, it’s the art of improvising – to adlib, to wing it, to play it by ear, to think on one’s feet and extemporise. Learning how to ‘take it as it comes’ and ‘go with the flow’ is perhaps a new normal for our world.  

So what better show to have in the school holidays for our kids who have had their wings clipped somewhat this year with COVID 19 restrictions; to explore the beauty of the imagination, playfulness and fun. But, gosh, aren’t we the fortunate ones sitting in a theatre awaiting a live show!!!

The Improvisors in today’s show are Pete Doile and Ben Zolno with Cam on keys and Darryn on lighting.

As we settle in, Cam is tinkling away with the made-famous-on-TikTok song ‘Blinding Lights’ by The Weeknd and within minutes of the show starting, we are all ‘Rickrolled’ by an audience member suggesting he plays ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’! Thus the humorous and anything-could-happen tone is set for the next hour.

Pete and Ben warm up the audience with games like tell us your name after 3! 2! 1! (cacophony of noise), your favourite sandwich filling (cacophony of noise), favourite show (cacophony of noise), favourite animal (you get the picture) and something physical to get them up and moving: “What would you look like if you were to be made into a statue for time evermore?”

Seeking such ideas as subject topics, character names, and locations from the audience, they invite us to help create today’s show through imagination and collaboration. The show is also an education in types of improv theatre games, like The One Word at a Time Story, Start With the Next Letter in the Alphabet Story, Fairytale in a Minute. I think the funniest is the integrating of randomly picked up pre written (by an 11 year old) lines of dialogue into a story (there is even a Seuss quote in there).

Throughout the show, audience members are invited up on stage to become the scene set, props, puppeteers and sound effect makers – the improv actors skilfully incorporating and spontaneously going with the random creative ideas of an audience of 2 – 12 year olds accompanied by a mixed age range of adults.

While there is a script of sorts with regards to which games they will play and how they run the structure of the show, the skill of being able to allow the brain not to over think and pre judge is very important in theatre improv and Ben and Pete are great practitioners of this.

In saying this, I have seen a few of these shows over the years and I think having a third actor in the team today would help bounce the ideas, and keep the flow and energy level going, as at times it does feel a little bit like ‘ticking off the list’. There are times when it feels like the ‘Yes, and…’ part of the playing is hijacked a little by ‘I’m going to trip up the other player to make something funny’.

But all-in-all it is a great morning of interactive and entertaining fun. I believe it is an art form to teach and hone adaptability and resilience – an increasingly necessary tool in the current world climate of ‘anything could happen’.

My kids said “It was funny!!”

My 9 year old likes the way “they improvised the stories with no props or set on stage – except for 3 chairs – they had cool games as well – my favourite was the one where the children helpers became the props and set pieces (because I was in it!) in the story being told.”

My 7 year old, with his love of numbers, particularly loves the Fairytale in a Minute which is played again and again until it becomes Fairytale in a Second! 


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