Jarred Fell in: Mayhem of Magic

Limelight Lounge, Aotea Centre, Auckland

02/05/2009 - 09/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details


The award winning comedian magician comedian magician Jarred Fell isn’t just a normal magician; he combines fast-paced razor sharp with and tornado-like approach to magic, gore and comedy all in a one hour show for your entertainment.  A show about growing up with a dream to perform miracles… then things going downhill in a comic downward spiral.  If you want to see self-harm and have a good time, then this is a magic show you won’t want to miss!

Jarred Fell has been performing magic for as long as he can remember, he has been doing it professionally since the age of 14.  How many people can say that they have had work experience with Chris Angel and compliments from Paul Daniels!!

His impressive award collection stands at:
2001-Top junior magician Australasia -International Brotherhood of Magicians
2001-Top Junior magician Australasia-International Brotherhood of Magicians
2006-Rising Star award-Variety Artists Club ,New Zealand
2008-Best New comer nomination-NZ Comedy Guild awards
2009-Top Senior Stage Magician Australasia -International Brotherhood of Magicians


Dates:  Sat 2 & Tuesday 5- Sat 9 May, 7pm
Venue:  Limelight Laugh Lounge, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE ®, City
Bookings:        0800BUYTICKETS (289 842) or online www.buytickets.co.nz

1 hr, no interval

Grossly side-splitting

Review by Andra Jenkin 03rd May 2009

The magical mayhem of Jarred Fell is comedy influenced by the tradition of geek magic. Lots of gore and decapitation and needles and bloodied animal parts. Completely unaware of this, I took my mum. She liked the bit when the heart started bleeding the best.

For those of you who only read the review to find out if it is funny, I can assure you it is.

Fell’s show incorporates stand-up comedy, magic tricks and geek magic, and discorporates a live dove. Being a Westie, I appreciate the heavy metal music and all the blood and guts.

It’s not for the weak stomached, and some moments are genuinely cringeworthy, even for a hardened horror lover. Kids being what they are, it’s well worth taking them. There’s also plenty of swearing and sex jokes to keep them entertained and all for $18.

The stand up is funny and Jarred’s facial expressions keep the audience laughing. He is at home on the stage, alternately creating awkward moments and breaking them down with a self-conscious style that allows the audience to both laugh with and at him. Though the vehicle through which laughs are obtained is the magic, it is the comedy that makes the show a success.

In keeping with the horror theme is Jarred’s interaction with his on stage assistant, the psychotic Lindsay, who looks like The Joker’s favourite pin up girl fresh from Arkum Asylum. She is practically silent throughout the performance, and comes on stage wearing a full straight jacket.

Lindsay also performs tricks and has a strange and understated presence that works well with the genre. Her intense gaze is deliberately disturbing. More disturbing was my mother whispering ‘Where do I know her from?’

With Lindsay choosing the volunteer, perhaps it wasn’t odd that he was reluctant to tell Jarred his name. Chris/Mark said he was a postie, or a lawyer. To be fair, it was J Day and let’s call him Mark, for the sake of convenience, had definitely partaken. He may have just forgotten who he was and what he did for a living, a fact that Fell made much of.

I wondered if Mark was in fact rehearsed, but as the show went on I came to believe Jarred’s assertion that he was simply stoned off his head. He almost upstaged the comic magician with his inappropriate giggling responses. When it came to the obligatory card trick, Mark put the card in his pocket and made it bend. Not a huge task then to differentiate it from the others.

Despite the difficulty with the volunteer Jarred delivered a polished performance that I wished had lasted longer. He could splash the blood around a little more, though the Limelight Laugh Lounge may disagree with me there. Fell is genuinely funny, even when grossing out the audience. Let’s face it, if someone tripping over is funny, self harm is side-splitting.
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The Invisible Reviewer May 11th, 2009

Ive been attending the NZICF shows for years, Ive seen magic, Ive seen comedy, Ive seen magic and comedy, but rarely have I seen magic quite as slick as this. Ive seen Penn and Teller live, I've met Paul Daniels and Fell's skill is comparable to the best Ive ever borne witness too, I found myself dumbstruck, my heart leapt (several times during the course of the show) as I dared to believe that what he was doing onstage - might just be real. I watched him perform and felt like I was 10 years old watching the magician booked to perform at my birthday party. He is funny, street funny, as one might expect to see from a seasoned street performer during the buskers festival, the comedy was primarily good natured jibes at the"volunteers" selected by his emo-esque assistant. I honestly believe that should his comedy patter ever reach the standard that his magic has achieved, he will spend the rest of his days flying magic carpets around a stage in Las vegas, simply astounding.

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