Jerome’s Variety Hour

Happy (Cnr Tory & Vivian), Wellington

19/05/2009 - 23/05/2009

Limelight Lounge, Aotea Centre, Auckland

12/05/2009 - 16/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

Jerome’s Variety Hour

The Spice of Laughter

Recession. Global Warming. Terror. With so many abstract nouns to worry about, Jerome Chandrahasen presents his search for the things that cheer us up.

In the tradition of the variety shows of the 1930s, Jerome’s Variety Hour looks for the laughter in a mix of comedy, characters and verse. Finding the joy in family, nature and friendship, Jerome shares his favourite stories and anecdotes in a good natured hour performance. 

Jerome Chandrahasen has performed in every NZ International Comedy Festival since 2004. His unique brand of comedy saw him win Best New Comer in the NZICF Awards 2005 and gain a nomination for the prestigious Billy T Award in 2006.

With the peculiar background of a mathematics degree, brief stint as librarian, swing dance instructor and tour guide of New Zealand birds, a variety of ideas is guaranteed. His at times unconventional performances have both delighted and bewildered audiences and critics alike.

"had the audience hanging off every word…uniquely enjoyable" – Lumiere Reader

"has an infectious enthusiasm and a delightfully lateral view of the world" – Theatreview

"brought the house down" – Salient

"awkward… I was tempted to leave’ – Texture  

Dates:  12-16 May, 7pm
Venue:  Limelight Laugh Lounge
Tickets:  $18 conc. $16
Bookings:  0800BUYTICKETS (289 842)

Dates:  19-23 May, 8.30pm
Venue:  HAPPY Bar
Tickets:  $18 conc. $15
Bookings:  0800 TICKETEK (0800 842 5385)


Performers great, content sharp but little ‘variety’

Review by Jackson Coe 22nd May 2009

Jerome’s Variety Hour is a fun sixty minutes although it is a bit scarce on the variety component.  A guest appearance by talented up-and comer-Cruzanne MacAlister does add a bit of zest to the evening, but other than that this ‘Variety Hour’ is standard stand-up fare.

This is not to say that Jerome’s show is lacking – far from it.  Jerome proves himself to be a very talented entertainer.  Warm and relaxed, he is just the tonic for this late May cold snap, bringing a charm and charisma to the stage which is hard to resist.  The cosiness of Happy, complete with armchairs and couches, makes it hard not to feel totally at ease with Jerome and the content of his show.

Much of the material stems from the theme of ‘broken patterns’, such as his joke about toddlers staring in supermarkets.  This motif is an important component of the very nature of humour itself.  Jerome understands what humour is and where it comes from.  We’re in good hands here. Comedy is totally Jerome’s bag.

The guest appearance by Cruzanne MacAlister is a welcome addition to the show.  She arrives armed with the same killer set from Miscellaneous Etc, which she already knows will be a crowd pleaser.  I’m certainly looking forward to a full-length show from Cruzanne, which is no doubt in the mixer, giving her more opportunity to take her time with the material and not feel the need to rush so much.

So the performers are great and the content is sharp.  There’s not really a lot to criticise other than a lack of variation, and this only because of the expectations set up by the title.  If you’re up for some casual laughs as the Comedy Festival draws to a close, ‘Jerome’s Hour’ is one to see.
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News. 


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Docile performance

Review by Venus Stephens 13th May 2009

This review of Jerome Chandrahasen’s performance will read quickly as follows: He was OK.

Seriously though, he was. I am not going to say tonight’s gig was ‘rolling around in the hay’ fun, but I will mention to his credit he kept us chuckling at his oddball explanations of his interesting experiences to date. My friend found him hilarious and from what I noted of others reaction in our vicinity, they did too; once again to his credit.

I can’t help but notice he is distracted and seems to lose his train of thought quite easily, not doing any favours for his wordplay or the gags. Segments of his performance show his comic ease, but this is a staggered occurrence and offers no continuity to the vibe of his onstage persona.

After a quick mention about a recent bereavement, it is understandable his comic resolve has yet to gain its momentum and this in part may have contributed to his docile performance.

Now, I am disappointed to summarise his show so flatly; especially after I have perused his comic pedigree online and found he has been performing for 4 (+) years in the Comedy Festival with notable success.

In closing, I will nonetheless commend Jerome Chandrahasen for making the effort to keep us laughing. Last night’s show was the first of four nights, if I may prompt you go check him out; form your own opinion. Support our New Zealand comedians.
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News. 


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