Mashina Lounge, Christchurch Casino, Christchurch

14/01/2016 - 23/01/2016

The Classic Studio, 321 Queen St, Auckland

11/05/2015 - 16/05/2015

NZ International Comedy Festival 2015


Production Details

Justine has ridden a few roller coasters lately. A couple at Disneyland, and a couple of the emotional kind. Known for her hilarious delivery and inability to suffer idiots, this is Jussie’s first solo show in five years and promises to be a bloody belter.

The 11th May 2015 will mark Justine Smith’s first solo show since the riotous hit, Jussi Town during the 2011 Comedy Festival. Four years is a long time for a stand-up comic, and Justine has plenty to talk about. So over six nights in the third week of the festival in the intimate surroundings of the Classic Studio, she will avail the audience of everything that’s been happening, and the things she’s seen in her typical no holds barred style.
Those who know Justine, or have seen her perform, will know she does not suffer fools gladly. Her charming and expressive performance take her audience along the journey with her, while never far from a punch line or a subtle gag using the raise of an eyebrow.
Justine has been performing around New Zealand for ages and has appeared on our screens in everything from the Comedy Gala to her recent appearance on TV3’s After Hours. A writer on Rhys Darby’s Short Poppies, Justine has also written two live shows with Irene Pink, I’m Sorry I Said That and The Pitch. The latter was the recipient of the NZ Comedy Trust’s Creative Comedy Initiative grant.
Winner of the Billy T Award and also the NZCG Awards for Best Female Comedian, Justine is highly regarded by both her peers and critics.
“[Smith] delivers a highly entertaining, slick night of comedy” – Theatreview.org.nz 
“I doubled over with laughter” – Theatreview.org.nz
Raised in Christchurch and residing in West Auckland, there’s not a lot that gets past Justine. A leading light of New Zealand comedy, she is just as comfortable in a theatre as the local bar.
Simply put, one of our best.
*Proud purveyors of Fine Comedy, keeping it Notorious since 9.15am – ncomedy.com
  • The Thursday 14 May, 7.15pm show in Auckland will be interpreted into NZSL for the Deaf community by an iSign NZSL Interpreter

Mon 11 – Sat 16 May, 7.15pm

The Classic Studio, Auckland


Adults $24.00
Conc. $20.00
Groups 4+ $20.00

Monday & Tuesday Previews $18.00* service fees may apply

Bookings: 0800 TICKETEK (842 538)


Come along and find out why Beyonce’s Single Ladies is no longer appropriate walk on music.

Is that love in the air? Or is that someone baking brownies?

Mashina Lounge, Christchurch Casino
14th to the 23rd January 2016, 7pm


Theatre , Comedy ,

1 hour

Friendly, down-to-earth engagement

Review by Lindsay Clark 18th Jan 2016

The low lights, a vodka cocktail and the black furniture seem to set this show up as a sophisticated trip into the seamy steamy side of stand-up. But no. Justine Smith, back from California and, she hastens to add, some genuine culture, comes across as a chatty, breezy broad (her favoured term for a female), with not a lot to say but a chirpy way of saying it.

Love and travel are announced as her themes, but before we get there a succession of one-liners and shrewdly skewed observations focus on aspects of growing older, as well as those all-time favourites, sex and alcohol. Sometimes the performance is augmented by images, especially when we get to California and romance. It seems recklessly close to becoming like the viewing of other people’s holiday snaps but is saved by the comedienne’s genuine rapport with the audience. 

Approaches are not limited to those in the front row, so the audience is well covered. Responses to Smith’s own easy conversational style are similarly relaxed, in contrast to the apprehensive mumbles often heard when someone in the audience wishes they had opted for a night at home. Quick on the repartee and kindly in all her exchanges, she achieves overall a sense of friendly, down-to-earth engagement. 

Behind the loosely structured material is a mellowing feminist perspective, enough to inform a wry observation or two about gender and language as well as a new interpretation of Fifty Shades of Grey

Abroad does not get far beyond the launching pad for me, with material on the thin side, even for a fifty minute show. As a definite plus, the performer leaves us in no doubt that she is a genuine Christchurch broad ,who understands her audience pretty well.  


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A cocktail of frank, caustic wit and quirkiness

Review by Kate Ward-Smythe 12th May 2015

She’s back. With her trademark intolerance for silly, fluffy things (unless it’s a cat), Justine Smith launches her stand-up comeback, after a five-year absence from the Festival, to a happy, satisfied audience.   

From the moment she announces she’s puffed out from her 3 meter jog to the stage, it’s clear that Justine has arrived back in full throttle and ready to rip into some entertaining yarns. Even the regular checking of her notes and clock watching didn’t deter the crowd’s enthusiasm for Justine’s unique and brilliant style, which is somehow aggressive and lazy at the same time.

In terms of content, yes: she’s still unashamedly crass. Yet it’s refreshing to hear about front and back bits ‘Jussi-style’, which is a cocktail of frank, caustic wit and quirkiness. We are treated to an extraordinary tale, which draws to a climax at the top of one of the gnarliest rides in Disneyland.

She also recounts her experience of the caring nurses who speak in hushed tones, as they manipulate your mammaries during breast scans. The latter is quite brilliant and defies her initial thoughts that the public health system and comedy should not mix. 

Interestingly, even though Justine gives a faux apology to the men in the audience for so much of the content being about her breasts, butt and other bits, the loudest laughs often come from them. The more unashamedly honest Justine is, the louder the men laugh. 

Justine’s sporadic energy, as she tries in vain to tell a story in a straight line without those delicious tangents, is in top form. While she attempts to give her show form and structure, with the help of a series of photos, she’s still at her best when she’s free falling. I swear if there were a doctor or psychologist in the audience, they would diagnose Justine with Tourette syndrome, as her asides seem as involuntary as they are hilarious. Often no one seems more surprised than Justine at the quick-fire ad-libs she produces somewhere between a set up and a punch line. 

Justine also delivers great material about getting old. Even though her opening night audience is a mix of ages, with as many men as women enjoying her tales, I feel like her perfect target market: also in my 40s, I too struggle to remember my age and am intolerant of loud music in fashion shops that stock incorrectly sized garments. It’s fabulous to hear her voice in the comedy festival conversation once more.

Abroad also brings new content to Justine’s repertoire, as now there is love. Ahhh love. Lucky Dan (her fiancé).  Justine may be harsh and blunt at times – as the line of ladies in the front row discover – but she’s worth it.


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