Levin For Beginners (NZ)
Katipo Cafe & Bar, 76 Willis St, Wellington
05/05/2010 - 08/05/2010
NZ International Comedy Festival 2010
Production Details
“Levin isn’t just a small town 84km north of Wellington, with a population of 19,550 and a prominent sock factory – it’s a place inside of every New Zealander.” – Levin, For Beginners
Dates: Wed 5 – Sat 8 May, 8pm
Venue: Katipo Café, 76 Willis St, City
Tickets: Adults $15, Conc $10, Groups 10+ $10
Booking: Ticketek , 0800Ticketek www.ticketek.co.nz
Show Duration: 1 hour
Regional non-delivery
Review by Lyne Pringle 06th May 2010
A bunch of comedians with origins in small town New Zealand attempt to distil the essence of their roots. There is good potential in the material but the show fails to ignite.
Brad Zimmerman does a reasonable job as the MC.
Derek Bradley hails from Hamilton; his set is a rambling lecture that is clever but dull, lacking in rhythm, crisp delivery and a sense of the theatrical. Some elements of his set are well written but without a rigorous and taut delivery, the gags fall flat.
Jez Brown’s set has no shape at all as he bumbles around searching for laughs.
Nathan Winter, bringing up the rear, is the most articulate of the bunch in his delivery and shows promise as a comedian. His set is well written and gets the most laughs but by now the audience has already gone home.
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