Marc & Marisha Time Travel Wellington!

Wellington Waterfront, Wellington

23/10/2023 - 05/11/2023

Wellington Waterfront, Wellington

16/02/2024 - 09/03/2024

Production Details

Directed by Anastasia Matteini-Roberts
Written, scored and sound designed by Emma Maguire
Performed as a part of the Wellington Heritage Festival 2023

Tempest Theatre Co

Join time-travelling tour guides Marc & Marisha for a tour of the historical Wellington Waterfront! Will it be interesting? Certainly. Will it be informative? Only time will tell.

Chock-full of historical anecdotes, fun facts and a surprise romance plot this audio tour zips along the waterfront, and hey, you might even learn something along the way!

This is a self-guided audio tour, you’re welcome to walk at your own pace, but it does run from Herd St on the Wellington Waterfront to the Railway Station. Start and stop when you like, take the breaks you need!

Age 15+ for some language and situations.

Please wear good shoes and dress for the weather.

Performed as a part of the Wellington Heritage Festival 2023.

Show is accessible from 23rd Oct 2023 until 5 November
and can be walked at any time – takes about 40 minutes.
Tickets are between $5-$7, and can be bought here:

NZ Fringe 2024


Marc - Hamish Boyle
Marisha - Emma Maguire
Military Policeman, Ferrymaster - Jim Fishwick
William Snodgrass, Wright, Mac - Sam Irwin
Ballman, Beeker, Louis - Dylan Hutton
Alice, Bot - Annica Lewis
Judith, Wilma - Bethany Miller
Cassiopeia, Jen, Charley, Jane - Ruby Kemp
Additional voices - Jim Fishwick, Sam Irwin, Dylan Hutton, Annica Lewis, Bethany Miller, Ruby Kemp and Emma Maguire

Audio Recording - Pip Adam & Wellington Access Radio
Directed by - Anastasia Matteini-Roberts & Emma Maguire
Written and sound designed by - Emma Maguire

Made with support from Wellington Access Radio

Audio (podcast) , Street theatre , Theatre ,

40 mins

A wonderfully abnormal show that provides a unique experience

Review by Shemaia Dixon 18th Feb 2024

Presented by Tempest theatre company and created by Emma Maguire, Marc and Marisha time travel Wellington is a self-guided walking audio tour that takes its audience on a journey from Coene’s Bar & Eatery on Oriental Parade to Wellington Railway Station.

Tempest theatre company asserts that they specialise in esoteric and diverse work, and this show proves they are not lying. Though the show is intended to be listened to while audience members physically experience the walk, it is equally as possible to listen to the show from home as a podcast. The only downside of not experiencing the show in person is that you cannot see exactly what landmarks Marc and Marisha are referring to (although using Google Street View can provide the visuals from a hopefully recent past).

At the beginning of the show, Emma introduces herself and explains the route the show follows along the waterfront. She also makes it clear that no audience members should push themselves to walk at tour guides pace and that it is perfectly fine to stop and start the audio tour as necessary.

We are then transported to the time 2100 and introduced to Marc (Hamish Boyle) and Marisha (Emma Maguire ) from Time Travel Inc. The recently divorced tour guides explain they will take the audience through various ‘portals’ into different time periods throughout history on a unique tour of Wellington’s waterfront.

First we are transported to March 1939 and taken along Waitangi Park, immediately immersed in its history as an US Naval Base. With each new landmark, we enter a new time period and learn more about Wellington’s history. After journeying from the 1800s through the 1990s to a desolate future beyond even Marc and Marsha’s time, we eventually reach the Railway Station and learn about its history and present-day use. Each time-period is immersive and dynamic.

Although we’re told nobody will be able to see the ‘tour group’ as we follow Marc and Marisha, the ‘cloaking’ device seems to fail and we are acknowledged throughout time by various people, along with Marc and Marisha. (Click on ‘Production Details’ above to see who voices the other roles.)

Throughout the journey, it becomes clear that Marc and Marisha have some unresolved tension from their recent divorce and this leads to hilarious banter along the way. The pair have excellent chemistry and are fantastic guides, even if Marc allegedly almost erased Robert Muldoon from history.

This guided tour is not only a unique and immersive way to learn about Wellington’s history, but it makes history entertaining in a way that is rare. The instructions given by the guides are very clear and the tour is so immersive that we can perfectly picture exactly what we’re hearing. Furthermore, listening to Marc and Marisha’s personal journey throughout the tour only adds to the experience and entertainment.

Though the tour is clearly intended to be undertaken in person along the waterfront, listening to the show as a podcast from home in no way takes away from the experience, but simply provides a different one. This is a wonderfully abnormal show that provides a unique experience. I sincerely hope Marc and Marisha return to provide more time travel tours around Wellington in the future.


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An engaging and immersive audio tour through time, wrapped in humour

Review by Deborah Eve Rea 25th Oct 2023

As part of the Wellington Heritage Festival 2023, Marc & Marisha Time Travel Wellington! offers a delightful and unconventional journey through the historical heart of Wellington’s waterfront. This self-guided audio tour, presented by Tempest Theatre Co in collaboration with Wellington Access Radio, is a whimsical exploration of the city’s past, brought to life by the charismatic duo of Marc and Marisha (Hamish Boyle and Emma Maguire).

One of the standout features of this tour is its accessibility, allowing you to set your own pace and start and stop whenever you please. Beginning at Coene’s Eatery, you’ll don your headphones or earbuds and be transported through time as Marc and Marisha regale you with hidden secrets, anecdotes and intriguing stories about Wellington’s waterfront. The audio experience is enhanced by the dedication of the creators, who have painstakingly researched historical sources to craft an immersive world.

The tour is a perfect blend of history and humour, with a sprinkle of romance and sci-fi thrown in for good measure. While it maintains historical accuracy, the overall tone is decidedly comedic, ensuring that you’re in for an entertaining, laughter-filled ride rather than a dry history lesson. Directed by Anastasia Matteini-Roberts, the diverse cast of eight actors breathes life into the characters and narratives, making you feel like an integral part of the adventure.

The show’s technical aspects are impressive, with over 200 individual audio clips, 50 hours of editing, six original score pieces, and live foley recordings along Wellington’s waterfront. This attention to detail shines through, enhancing the overall experience. 

I’m looking forward to their plugged ‘History of Wellington Theatres’ audio tour. It would be wonderful to see additional actors join the production. Occasionally, it can be a bit challenging to discern whether an actor is portraying another character or their current one is simply being playful. The inclusion of more actors with appropriate accents would further enhance the immersion into the rich historical settings.

Written, scored, and sound designed by Emma Maguire, Marc & Marisha Time Travel Wellington! is an engaging and immersive audio tour. Whether you’re a history buff or just looking for a unique and entertaining way to explore Wellington’s waterfront, it’s a captivating journey through time, wrapped in humour and brought to life by a talented cast and crew.

So, if you’re in the mood for an out-of-the-box adventure that combines history and comedy, be sure to grab your headphones or earbuds, wear comfortable shoes (or wheels), and embark on this delightful time-traveling experience.


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