March of the Meeklings: An Apocalyptic Romp

Inverlochy Art School, Inverlochy Place, Te Aro, Wellington

15/02/2008 - 16/02/2008

NZ Fringe Festival 2008

Production Details

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth – but who are the meek? A lisping librarian who might have met Phil Collins?  A President’s mistress who communicates through contortion? Or a failed, Scottish telephone psychic named Yoko Barracks?

March of The Meeklings: An Apocalyptic Romp offers a fresh and irreverent take on that most ambitious of topics: the end of the universe and life as we know it.

With outlandish bravado, six actors will step up to play a global assortment of unsuspecting meeklings,who are unwittingly handed the fate of humanity. The unique nature of this devised show comes from character-based comedy, live musical commentary and the sheer audacity of taking on the apocalypse.

Three recent directing theatre graduates from Victoria University are the founders of Three Spoon Theatre, a newly formed theatre collective, which aims to produce a range of scripted and devised performances, reflecting the various experiences and skills of its members.

March of the Meeklings: An Apocalyptic Romp 
Inverlochy Art School,  Inverlochy Place, Te Aro
15th and 16th February at 6 and 8pm
Bookings: or call/ text 021 222 8212 

Publicity contact: Adrianne Roberts (Producer) Three Spoon Theatre  or 021 222 8212 

Alex Lodge
Brigid Costello Warren, Tracey
Thom McGrath Gary
Shane Boulton  Geoff, Sampson
Ed Watson  President, Monk
Charlotte Bradley - Marion, Yoko, Monk, Teacher

Hollie Fullbrook
- Guitar, Cello, Xylophone
Ralph Howell - Guitar, Tambourine, Mandolin-Guitar
Adrianne Roberts - Keyboard, Keytar, Tambourine, Gong
Andrew Simpson - Guitar, Keytar

Ralph Howell
- Director
Adrianne Roberts - Producer
Jeremy Keene - Stage Manager
Brigid Costello and Shane Boulton  - Choreography
Alex Lodge and Brigid Costello - Set
Ed Watson - Poster Design 

All are current students or recent graduates from the Victoria University Theatre Programme.    

1 hr, no interval

Classic Fringe fare

Review by John Smythe 16th Feb 2008

What if the meek did inherit the Earth?

March of the Meeklings: an apocalyptic romp could be described as a devised excuse for a group of intelligent and talented young actors and musicians to do a lot of wacky performing. In so-doing they seem to say that if the non-assertive and socially challenged did band together to wreak revenge on those who had humiliated or otherwise abused them earlier in life, they’d be too inept to be anything other than destructive.

It could be turned into a video game. And maybe (I write this as yet another campus shooting headlines the international news) it goes some way towards explaining why so many ‘quiet, bit-of-a-loner’ types flip out – especially in the USA, where guns are so easily obtained – and randomly massacre innocents.

Except here the weapons of choice are three plastic teaspoons. Even so, the blue planet does end up in a blender, a.k.a. the external hard drive to the World. And the Meeklings have no idea what to do next. Absurdist satire? No doubt. But exactly who or what it is sending up … Your guess is as good as mine. Here’s how it unfolds:

A folksy little song about the apocalypse is followed by a monastic ritual – Ed Watson as the senior monk -that culminates in a promised reading from a big book of wisdom (Harry Potter), suddenly subverted by a visitation from the black-cowled Angel of the Apocalypse in striped stockings and pink stiletto heels. It is she, incarnated as a sort of radio aunty called Renee (Alex Lodge), who is the keeper of the plastic spoons.

Encouraged by Renee to talk about their miserable existences, three ‘children in her radio audience reveal – through re-enactments – the experiences that will motivate their collective vengeance. Gary (Thom McGrath), the lisping librarian fixated on Phil Collins, is ignominiously sacked by Marion Public (Charlotte Bradley). Geoff (Shane Boulton), at the mercy of slack fast food counter staff Trace (Brigit Costello) and Yoko (Bradley), mentions he’s rather hungry, gets mistaken for a religious celebrity – you have to be there – and is inundated by needy supplicants. Slim and active computer gamester Warren (Costello) needs tech support and is assumed, by a Scottish Help Desk Operator (Bradley), to be a fat 12 year-old porn addict. It’s all so unfair!

And so the march proceeds to the office of President of the World (Ed Watson) whose inspirational story about The Little Blue Doggie fails to impress the Meeklings. Now it is Renee’s turn to reveal her formative moment of humiliation, at school, involving her mihi as a new girl and an attempt to sing Run Rabbit, whereby her problems with pronunciation spur her on to presidential assassination …

A quartet of multi-skilled musicians blend the mythic and the madcap to give the hour-long show a rich sonic background.

Classic Fringe fare.


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