Matt Mulholland: Beyond Emotion

BATS Theatre, Wellington

11/05/2011 - 14/05/2011

Limelight Lounge, Aotea Centre, Auckland

17/05/2011 - 21/05/2011

NZ International Comedy Festival 2011

Production Details


“It’s like my birthday, but with less crying.” (Matt Mutholland’s reaction to fame) 

Stock up on tissues now and prepare to ‘find yourself’ as Youtube sensation Matt Mulholland’s brand spanking new stage show wings its way to audiences in Wellington and Auckland from 11 May 2011. Your funny bone and emotions will be touched in ways unimaginable… 

Matt has a huge international Youtube following and is known for his amazing musical ability and his perfectly timed humour. His Youtube channel has had over 3 million views and his videos and songs have found their way to TV and radio in France, Japan, The United States, Australia and various Nordic countries. Recently Matt has been featured on the comedy central homepage web page. 

Beyond Emotion is the future of New Zealand musical comedy with the whole show composed, written and musically produced by Matt and his talented cast! Audiovisual effects intertwined with clever harmonies, lyrics and the slickest of choreography will please the comedy enthusiast as Matt and his crew take the audience on an emotional journey they will never forget. Beyond Emotion: changing the face of New Zealand musical comedy forever! 

"I ain’t afraid of no ghosts, but I am afraid of this naked guy and his monkey" – Greg Grunberg (Heroes, Star Trek, Lost, Mission Impossible 3)
“Literally hundreds of you sent us an email asking us to play this guy; honestly his stuff is really funny" – Dave and Chuck’s Morning Show (89Xradio, Detroit USA)

Dates: 11 May – 14 May, 9.30pm
Venue: BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington
Tickets: Adults $18, Conc. $14, Group bookings 6+ $12
Bookings: 04) 801 4175 or email,

Dates: 17 May – 21 May, 7pm
Venue: Limelight Laugh Lounge, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE, 50 Mayoral Drive
Tickets: Adults 18, Conc. $14, Group bookings 6+ $10
Bookings: 0800 BUY TICKETS (0800 289 842) or 



Tight harmonies, slick dance moves and spectacle

Review by Hannah Smith 12th May 2011

Matt Mulholland is an internet sensation. He’s made it big on YouTube with a bunch of hit music videos totalling over 4 million views, and appearances on international television. For the comedy festival Mulholland has created Beyond Emotion, an all-singing all-dancing extravaganza in which he performs versions of his YouTube hits, ably supported by back-up singer / dancers Nick Purdie and Simon Croad. 

The comedy songs have titles like ‘Balls to Mouth’ and ‘Penis Chorale II’ and parody a bunch of recognisable popular styles. Although the lyrics and style are often too crass for my taste Mulholland is an excellent singer, with a huge range and an impressive falsetto, and I appreciate his mastery of multiple musical genres. 

The choreography (by Nick Purdie) is comedy dance excellence, and ranges across as many styles as the tunes do. It is the sweet moves, including everything from classic boy band to rhythmic gymnastic ribboning, that generate my biggest laughs of night. The dancing is all performed with commitment and a certain po-faced sincerity, that works well to keep the show’s self-mocking tone when it is in danger of slipping into the “I Actually Think I am Super Awesome” territory.

The trio have tight harmonies, slick dance moves and are very well rehearsed. I thoroughly enjoy the spectacle – where did they get all those costumes? And the transitions, including AV interludes covering quick changes backstage, are a nice touch.  

The opening night audience are all mad fans, and they clap and roar with excitement and laughter. While I definitely enjoyed myself, I didn’t find the lyrics were nearly as hilarious as the people sitting around me, and I felt a bit like I was missing some in jokes. 

The whole season is sold out, which is a tribute to Matt’s internet success, and a savvy production team behind the scenes. So if you want to catch a look at this young up-and-comer, you’ll have to join the 4 million others and check him out on his YouTube channel. Or head to BATS and go on the waitlist. 
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News.  


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