02/07/2021 - 18/07/2021
Production Details
As Te Kāhui o Matariki (the Matariki group of stars) ascends, signifying a time of renewal and celebration, we are excitingly close to dropping our next production for you; an original audio-play that will introduce you to the nine stars of Matariki.
MAURI TAU was conceived in part as a response to the challenges of Covid-19 and its impact on our sector and rolling cancellations. We had to ensure we could continue telling stories, and to innovate in our approach to theatre-making in 2021.
Unlike any production Silo has created before, MAURI TAU will be a special, personal theatre experience that you get to access from anywhere. Though this isn’t live theatre on the stage, we encourage you to jump in the waka with us and explore the world of MAURI TAU, streaming the production from where suits you best.
MAURI TAU will be available from July 2 on our website using your smartphone device through a set of headphones. For approximately 45-50 minutes, we encourage you to connect with your natural environment; your neighbourhood, maunga, parks in the great outdoors, while listening to this original story. Sessions take place daily at dawn and dusk, with added sessions during the daytime on weekends.
Led by writer and director Scotty Cotter (Tainui), our sound designers Fran Kora (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Pūkeko), Matt Eller (Evoke Audio) and Komako Silver (Ngāpuhi) have composed an imaginative and reflective soundscape that emboldens Te Kāhui o Matariki (the star cluster of Matariki).
The central characters in MAURI TAU are the whetu (stars) of Matariki. Brought to life by some of our most exceptional performers, including…
Tanea Heke as Matariki
Lana Garland as Tupuānuku
Matariki Whatarau as Tupuārangi
Te Kohe Tuhaka as Ururangi
Fran Kora as Waitā
Akinehi Munroe as Waitī
Nicola Kāwana as Waipunarangi
Rachel House as Pōhutukawa
Scotty Cotter as Hiwa-i-te-Rangi
Streaming online
2 – 18 July
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→ Learn More about MAURI TAU
→ Book for MAURI TAU
Opening: Fri 2 July
Closing: Sun 18 July
Daily sessions: 6am, 7am, 8am, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm and 8pm.
Sat-Sun: Added sessions at 11am and 3pm.
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Webcast , Theatre , Spoken word ,
50 mins
Can transport the listener anywhere they need to be
Review by Fiona Collins 03rd Jul 2021
What an amazing experience. What a timely gift. What a perfect way to celebrate Matariki and our new beginnings.
Created by the immensely talented Scotty Cotter, this wonderful work is so very cleverly executed and the musical genius of Fran Kora is untouchable.
Each component weaves together seamlessly and effortlessly as the stars introduce themselves and personally take the listener on an intimate journey of heart discovery and well-being.
The premise of the work is unique in itself. Once your ticket is purchased online you are sent a code, and when you are ready and this is activated, you have two hours to go on this extraordinary journey that literally gets you breathing.
It is hard to describe the experience without sounding too hippy-dippy, but it really is a check-in on your well-being and where you are at in that moment, in your heart.
I listen to it three times and discover different things each time as each star character cleverly weaves their stories and offers warm reassurances and support.
The stellar cast – Tanea Heke as Matariki; Lana Garland as Tupuānuku; Matariki Whatarau as Tupuārangi; Te Kohe Tuhaka as Ururangi; Fran Kora as Waitā; Akinehi Munroe as Waitī; Nicola Kāwana as Waipunarangi; Rachel House as Pōhutukawa; Scotty Cotter as Hiwa-i-te-Rangi – are brilliant and familiar, and so much more than what we already know of them.
The warmth and aroha and empathy of these voices is like being enveloped in a huge fluffy blanket of protection and self-connection for the 55 minutes of the piece. The musical score is so subtle and clever, and intrinsically moves the listener from space to space, within their own imaginations.
For me, each sound plays on a heart string, stirs up emotions and memories as it dances with the beautifully written storytelling – constantly clearing the path for the next moment and the next stage of the journey.
If I could make one wish on Hiwa-i-Te-Rangi, it would be that this work could be shared with absolutely everyone! People in jails, people in isolation, people in stuck in hospitals – because although the ultimate experience of the work is to be out under the stars, this incredible work can transport the listener anywhere they need to be and there is such freedom in that.
Congratulations Scotty and Fran and your incredible cast! It’s beautiful and important and I for one thank you, Dear One, for giving us the space to check in, and breath.
Malo lava.
Copyright © in the review belongs to the reviewer
