MAVERICKS Miss Behave and Daredevil Chicken

Christchurch Arts Centre - The Backstage Social Club, Christchurch

24/01/2020 - 09/02/2020

The Spiegeltent in Christchurch, Christchurch

25/01/2020 - 08/02/2020

World Buskers Festival 2020 | BREAD & CIRCUS

Production Details

Get loose with festival favourites Miss Behave and Daredevil Chicken

Never the same show twice! 

They’re back in Christchurch with a mixed bag of WTF. A lucky dip of favourite routines and renegade numbers…emphasis on the renegade.

A rollercoaster hour of surprises, accidents, mistakes, and world-class routines. Brace yourself. With a wealth of material to choose from, and a whole bag of new, let these professional idiots take you on a rollicking ride of good ole fashioned entertainment with a twist.

In a world of slick n sexy, welcome to the back-alley grope of a show. Less like champagne, more like a cheap beer with a pickle. If you’re tired of sexy and slick, we’re the show for you.

Cheaper. Gooder. Funner.

Renegade Entertainment: Surprises and accidents nightly. Everyone is welcome…staying? Well, that’s up to you now, isn’t it?

Don’t miss these chaos orchestrators: the original MAVERICKS.
R18: Strong Language, Adult Themes, Possible Nudity

The Backstage Social Club – The Arts Centre
24 Jan – 9 Feb 2020

At The Spiegeltent:
25 Jan, 1 & 8 Feb 2020
tickets here

Variety , Theatre , Comedy ,

1 hr

A surprising close to a varied show

Review by Tony Ryan 29th Jan 2020

Mavericks comprises the regular World Buskers Festival combo of Miss Behave and Daredevil Chicken, along with guests from this year’s street performers.

Host, Miss Behave, dressed as and impersonating a fading cabaret star, introduces the show and the succession of performers. She emphasises that an element of surprise (for both audience and performers) is the order of the night, and warns us that it could all be either magical or a bit rough-and-ready. And, while her character is consistent in its nostalgic reminiscence of the glories of times past, the humour comes across as just a little flat in this performance.

Enter Daredevil Chicken, featuring the marital anarchy of Marc and Svetlana, with a dressing-up (and dressing down) routine seen at previous years’ buskers festivals, but no less hilarious for that. How it’s all done is a mystery to me and for once the nudity, both here and later in the show, is genuinely funny.

Marc continues with a magic card trick which becomes a running gag throughout the show. The trick’s initial failure (part of the act) sets up the comedy for its subsequent recurrences, until its eventual resolution at the show’s final climax (in every sense of that word!).

Svetlana’s two songs during the act continue the theme of a fading star, but tonight the comedy of these is only mildly amusing. Individually, neither of these Daredevil Chickens quite reaches the level of their best combined acts such as the banana routine which they reprised at Sunday night’s Big Festival Gala.

The first of tonight’s guests is the remarkable Satya Bella from Australia, whose Human Gyroscope performance with hula hoops is easily as impressive, or even more so, as a similar act in Blanc de Blanc. The use of lighting, especially inside the hoops themselves, helps to turn an already superb gymnastic circus act into a visual feast of spectacle and colour – well worth seeking out at the busking pitches.

Mario Queen of the Circus from the USA is the second guest tonight. His juggling skills are supported and enhanced by witty commentary and a relaxed feel for comic timing. He asks us, in a thick Spanish accent, if we can understand him; “Yes!” we respond; “Good,” he continues, “because …!” [Spoiler averted]

The first of his two juggling routines tonight is accompanied by Queen’s ‘Another One Bites the Dust’, so, when a few juggling balls occasionally fall to the floor, it all looks like part of the act – maybe it is.

The show ends with some outrageous new material from Daredevil Chicken which brings a somewhat variable show, in terms of comic consistency, to a surprising close.


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