Michele A'Court’s "40 Odd Years" – An Autobiographical Retrospective

The Transmission Room, Auckland

16/05/2006 - 20/05/2006

ODDFELLOWS Comedy Festival

Production Details

Created and performed by Michele A'Court

Award winning comedian Michele A’Court celebrates her mid-life crisis on stage. From small town NZ to city girl, communist to kids’ TV icon, mother to ex-wife (twice), and after a decade of paying the mortgage by telling jokes in pubs, Michele looks back on 40 odd years of life, love and laughter. BYO crisis and we’ll see what we can do.

Theatre , Comedy ,

Learning curves in crisis comedy

Review by Kate Ward-Smythe 15th May 2006

You can learn so much from Michele A’Court. Going to one of her shows is more than guaranteed laughter and fun – it’s an educational, thought provoking experience.

Don’t fret about the content being heavy handed or preachy. Michele has the gift of multi-tasking her material effortlessly, from anxiety to liposuction, from depression to Pictionary, from Islam to pies in Levin.

She’s a chameleon in every regard. She’ll swear like a trouper then charm you with the sweetest smile. And you’ll have no problem keeping up, as Michele looks after her audience, making sure everyone feels included and knows where’s she’s coming from. She’s a mum – it comes naturally.

While Michele’s niche seems to be predominantly women of her generation, I would encourage men and women, young and old, to see this show. It’s billed as an autobiographical retrospective, so while some of her material is ‘bitter with a smile’, focussing on divorce, being a solo mum and getting older, other aspects of her show touch on intriguing issues such as the human condition. She finds laughs in the most unlikely of places. She even finds comedy and savings in the world of tax.

As she weaves it all into one cohesive whole, her experience and skill comes into its own. Just as it’s getting a little too heavy, as Michele delves into the dark side of the force, she’ll return to material that makes you laugh out loud.

One technical gripe: the pre recorded intro was a nice touch at the top of the show but during the vital cross-fade from the track to the voice-over introduction of our star, the volume seemed to go down, not up. Easily fixed.

Don’t fall victim to the depression statistics (now that’s one aspect of Michele’s show that is depressing). Avoid the winter blues and go see this smart survivor shine.

Call Back anytime Michele. You’re so welcome in my entertainment diary.


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