Motivational Conversationalists

Fringe Bar, Cnr Cuba & Vivian, Wellington

16/02/2011 - 19/02/2011

NZ Fringe Festival 2011

Production Details

The worst advice is the advice you didn’t take. Or is it? 

Meet the Motivational Conversationalists, the most intelligent people in the Solar System. 

Featuring the advice of award winning comedians, Sarah Harpur, Jerome Chandrahasen and 2010 Billy T James nominee, T.J McDonald; plus surprise guest panellists. 

Sasha Atkins-Dailey (Sarah Harpur) is a parenting expert. “I’m Sasha Atkins-Dailey, and I am the best parent in the world. The main problem with parenting is getting your children exercised, without exercising yourself. I recommend a lunging rope and a whip.” 

Father Timothy (T.J McDonald) is a spiritual adviser. "I am often asked if I know everything and I have to say that I don’t. But I’m good friends with someone who does…Jesus Christ. He’s the greatest agony aunt in history. I mean, he sure as hell knows agony." 

Jerry C (Jerome Chandrahasen) is a renowned business motivator and wealth generator. Jerry C has inspired countless men, women and pets into a lifetime of profit making. “Believe!” 

Answering real questions from real people, the Motivational Conversationalists will change your life.

Send any questions for the Motivational Conversationalists to answer at the show to, or use hashtag#motivateconversate on twitter. 

Event dates
16 Feb 9:30pm (Wed)
17 Feb 9:30pm (Thu)
18 Feb 9:30pm (Fri)
19 Feb 9:30pm (Sat)

Full $16.00
Concession $12.00
Fringe Addict Card Holder $10.00

Duration: 1 hour

Fringe Bar, 191 Cuba St
Wheelchair access



Excellent Improvisers Answering Life Questions

Review by Fiona McNamara 17th Feb 2011

Motivational Conversationalists is your personal opportunity to have your life questions answered by the most intelligent people in the solar system, who will motivate you to success and a tidy profit; or you could use it as the chance to sit back and watch your friends be embarrassed on stage. Either is a sweet deal for sixteen bucks if you ask me.  

Jerry C (Jerome Chandrahasen) is a renowned business motivator and wealth generator. Sasha Atkins-Dailey (Sarah Harpur) is a parenting expert, and Father Timothy (T.J McDonald) is a spiritual adviser. On opening night we were also treated to guest stars, craft expert, Pegg (Jim Stanton) and Rick Roll, the cool guy (Jarrod Baker).

It’s a simple, premise for a comedy: the audience asks questions, the experts answer them hilariously; and it works. Though the “plot” falls apart at times and as Jerome may have let on just as we were reaching 55 minutes that they might not have written an ending to the show yet, it’s all a part of the comedy. This is a bunch of hilarious and talented performers who keep us on their side and entertained, even when there are inconsistencies in their set-up.

Despite the great gags throughout (some of my, favourites being Father Timothy’s series of religious puns) the question and answer structure got a little tired, though I imagine, as the season runs on, the performers will become freer to improvise, not only with the content but also the structure. A great break came from an audience offer of air guitar that Jerry C picked up perfectly; getting the whole audience up as an “air band” and new moments like that will be what makes the show each night.

Motivational Conversationalists answers "real questions from real people" I reckon the way to get the most out of it is to have your own question answered, and these excellent improvisers can handle whatever you throw at them; so either email your question to or go along with a question (or a friend) to throw into the mix.
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News. 


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