Nelson Centre of Musical Arts, 48 Nile St, Nelson

15/08/2020 - 15/08/2020

Nelson Fringe Festival 2020

Production Details

Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember when…? Where were you when you heard about…?

In Nostalgia, clever improvisers will use your memories and suggestions to bring back moments from the past. From old advertisement jingles to moments in history or the feeling of a first kiss, Nostalgia will take us back in time with a bespoke performance never to be seen again.  

The word ‘nostalgia’ comes from Greek words meaning ‘homecoming’ and ‘pain’ but we intend to add a heapful of silliness and joy as well. You’ll leave this show with the warm fuzzies. 

Professional improvisers from around the country, and who grew up in different corners of the world, unite to bring your memories and theirs to life. Bringing stories from their pasts and exploring what it is to feel at home, we hope you will join us to reminisce about the ‘good ole days.’ 

Nelson Centre of Musical Arts, 48 Nile St, Nelson
Saturday 15 August 2020
7:30pm – 8:30pm
Adult (pay what you can A): $14.83 ($13.00 + $1.83 fees)
Adult (pay what you can B): $19.95 ($18.00 + $1.95 fees)
Adult (pay what you can C): $27.12 ($25.00 + $2.12 fees)
Children (under 13yrs): $11.75 ($10.00 + $1.75 fees)
Buy Tickets 

Nelson Fringe Festival 2020 
Nelson Centre of Musical Arts  

Theatre , Improv ,

1 hr

Wellingon City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust
Creative NZ
Auckland City Council
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