Centrepoint, Palmerston North

08/07/2015 - 12/07/2015

Production Details

Prince Seth and the Princess return to Centrepoint these winter school holidays 

Seth and Ricky are back, following their epic quest in 2014’s Prince Seth and the Princess – Pirate Adventure!, but this year it’s a race against time! Seth and his new friend Avery are going to play a game, but Ricky has visited for a holiday and to surprise Seth with another game of ‘Princes and Princesses’.

With a hint of coaxing and a sprinkle of imagination, the three put their heads together and set out on a time-travelling adventure! Expect robots, dinosaurs, jungle creatures, and more. We’ll provide the Galaxy Traveller wrist-watches, you bring your imagination, and together we’ll travel the galaxy with Seth, Ricky, and Avery to infinity and beyond!

Manawatu audiences were first introduced to Seth and Ricky in Feilding-based Te Pūanga Whakaari Theatre Productions’ season of Prince Seth and the Princess back in 2013. Centrepoint was so excited about this emerging local company that we jumped on board last year as co-presenters to showcase what Feilding has to offer the rest of Manawatu.

Time Travel is a brand new adventure for Seth and Ricky with lots of twists and turns that the audience must help them navigate,” says Te Pūanga Whakaari’s co-Artistic Director, Karla Haronga, who is also Head of Drama at Feilding High School.

“Palmy fell in love with these two characters in 2014 and, with the addition of new character Avery, this show is set to be their freshest, most exciting yet.”

Prince Seth and the Princess are super excited to invite all of their friends, old and new, to their third and final adventure at Centrepoint. Like most kids this July, Seth, Ricky and Avery will be in the middle of their school holidays and at a loose end, so get down to the theatre and help the gang manoeuvre their way through time in the most exciting trip you can take this winter break.

This is fun, and well-pitched … there’s never a dull moment” – Theatreview

Centrepoint Theatre, 280 Church Street, Palmerston North, New Zealand
8 July – 12 July 2015
Times 11am and 2pm
Tickets $10 general admission
Bookings 06 354 5740 or

With Jacob Wilson, Kristi Atkins, and Helena Pawson

Technical Operator Tyler White
Graphic Designer Holly Norris
Dramaturgs Charlotte Crofts & Kaden Penman

Theatre , Family , Children’s ,

Playful energy well paced and lively

Review by Adam Dodd 09th Jul 2015

Ricky (Kristi Atkins) is visiting her aunt for the holidays and is excited to surprise her holiday friend, Seth (Jacob Wilson) – even if it is his turn to choose the game they play. Seth’s new friend Avery (Helena Pawson) sparks some playful jealousy however and it takes a little mischief, some ribbing and a hint of coaxing before Ricky lets Seth convince her to join him and Avery in their biggest and best adventure yet – Time Travel!

Seth’s time machine is ready but the trio can’t get it to work without the help of the kids in the audience and Seth’s magical ‘Once Upon A Time…’ book. You can tell that the book is genuinely magical as music plays whenever it is opened and it writes itself, providing advice that – along with some assistance from the audience – sees Seth, Ricky and Avery safely through each leg of their journey. 

Time Travel is the third and final Seth and Ricky adventure presented by Te Pūanga Whakaari Theatre Productions, a small professional company based in Feilding. While my son and I missed the previous two instalments (Prince Seth and the Princess in 2013 and Prince Seth and the Princess – Pirate Adventure! in 2014), the show stands on its own well. That said, there are some favourite friends who make a reappearance for those lucky enough to have seen the previous shows.

Wilson, Atkins and Pawson do a superb job in engaging with their young audience, and have a robust and spontaneous physicality with plenty of singing and dancing. There is a playful energy to the show that infects the audience. The kids are soon joyfully calling out hellos and warnings to the cast as they encounter robots, dinosaurs, and jungle beasties – as well as playing with their imagination-powered Galaxy Controller wrist watches while travelling through time itself.

The action is well paced and lively, and carries the show through the forty-five or so minute duration with ease. There are a few thrills and spills but nothing so scary that it should cause any upsets. If you are looking for a fun way to spend part of the school holidays with your kids, Prince Seth and the Princess – Time Travel is a great outing.

After the show, my son, a little buzzed, doesn’t want to wait in his seat to get photos with the cast, but I can see lots of other kids perched excitedly waiting for their chance to rush on stage. We chat about his favourite parts as we head into the foyer (especially captivating is the sword fight with the robot Silver, provided by the Feilding High School Robotics Team), and he is delighted to discover he can write to Seth, Ricky and Avery and they might even write back to him!


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