Kitty O'Sheas, 28 Courtenay Place, Wellington

25/02/2015 - 28/02/2015

NZ Fringe Festival 2015 [reviewing supported by WCC]

Production Details

Things in Common 

Jerome Chandrahasen returns from London with his first solo NZ Fringe Festival show. 

Straight from the Edinburgh Fringe, Same Same Different covers disturbing tales of the lack of Shrewsbury biscuits in Shrewsbury, to the worst gig at the Oxford Union that never happened.

Most people just want to get along, but finding those things in common is always harder than we think. If you find trying to fit in often makes you stick out, then this is a show for you.

Jerome is a regular host and performer in the NZ comedy scene, and has performed in multiple NZ Comedy Festivals, as well as MCing the Wellington Raw Comedy Quest, and appearing on TV2’s Christmas Comedy Cracker hosted by Rhys Darby.

“had the audience hanging off every word…uniquely enjoyable” The Lumiere Reader 

“has an infectious enthusiasm and a delightfully lateral view of the world”

“brought the house down” Salient Magazine

Same Same Different 
Kitty O’Sheas
25th-28th February

Theatre , Stand-up comedy ,

Intelligent, perceptive and wonderfully satirical

Review by Alex Wilson 26th Feb 2015

Satirist’s are hired for their ability to discover what unites and what differentiates – juxtaposing two concepts and finding the humour that fizzes from the ether. Certainly Jerry Seinfeld has been dining out on observational comedy for years. Jerome Chandrahasen therefore cannot do much wrong with basing an entire show around this simple satirical device – hence the name, Same Same Different.

Chandrahasen’s show buzzes around many concepts such as the similarities between the Big Save Furniture Warehouse’s seemingly overflowing warehouses and our Prime Minister’s decision to go to war, but he largely focuses on New Zealand identity – what unites us as Kiwis and what makes us so different to any other culture on the planet. Chandrahasen is refreshing in so far that he strays away from cheap gags and tired observations. He presents a refreshing intelligent look at what makes humans tick that possess a unique voice but is all too familiar. 

Jerome Chandrahasen casts himself as an intrepid yet hapless investigator of the human experience, a guise he suits perfectly. In a show about comparing cultures, it could be easy to rely on stereotypes. Instead we find Chandrahasen himself is the butt of many of his jokes, such as how his inability to express satisfaction at sighting a Kea in a Salt Lake City Zoo leads to (spoiler averted). 

A lot of his humour comes from wanting to befriend other people and there is a refreshing sincerity to his set. There is nothing imposing or confrontational about his humour. His set is intelligent, perceptive and wonderfully satirical. There may not be many big belly laughs but he puts on 60 minutes worth of comedy which just washes over you and puts you at ease on a wet and windy Wellington evening.


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