SERA DEVCICH General Admissions

BATS Theatre, The Dome, 1 Kent Tce, Wellington

11/05/2021 - 15/05/2021

NZ International Comedy Festival 2021

Production Details

Sera is undoubtedly one of New Zealand’s funniest comics, combining razor-sharp wit with relatable stories, a blend that has led to appearances on 7 Days, The Project and nation-wide tours with Ben Hurley.

Her show General Admissions is a confessional booth of comedy, straight stand-up, no gimmicks just a microphone and a show crammed with jokes, there’s no message, no moral of the story, there’s just a lot of laughs. 

Sera Devcich is hilarious, dark and not to be missed.

BATS Theatre, The Dome
11 – 15 May at 7pm 
Tues – Thurs $15
Fri – Sat $20

Please contact the BATS Box Office by 4.30pm on the show day if you have accessibility requirements so that the appropriate arrangements can be made. Read more about accessibility at BATS.

Check out the full line up in the 2021 NZ International Comedy Festival with Best Foods Mayo from 4 – 23 May.

More tickets coming! If your desired date is currently sold out, click here to sign up for an email notification when the final release of tickets are on sale – more released every Monday during the festival.

To read more about how Comedy Fest first release tickets are working this year, click here.

Theatre , Stand-up comedy ,

50 mins

Appealingly straddles old, new and blue

Review by Arthur Hawkes 13th May 2021

Sera Devcich is the salacious drunk aunt you didn’t know you needed. Her standup show at BATS, titled General Admissions, comprises hilarious observations on motherhood, feminism, and sexuality. The crowd is worked well, coaxed into belly laughs with expert delivery. 

Devcich dances on the boundary of taste with her Wellington audience. Just as the routine threatens to plunge into full-blown comedy-night-at-the-RSA filth, she punches through with her sharp wit and astute, self-effacing remarks. Personally, I say keep plunging, but the venue and the city both mean the crowd is going to need a little intellectual massaging for one to curry favour.

At times you can sense she’s lost the audience for a split second in the murky depths (and we get very murky: home-made dildos, spoons inserted into cavaties, vaginal tearing, uncontrollable diarrhoea), but she picks up on this instantly and turns it into an opportunity for an amusing reflection. 

Devcich is an experienced, loud, confident comic talent, which is a rarer sight than it would have been 10 years ago, owing to the direction comedy, particularly in the capital, has turned. Devcich’s delivery would, for the more demure audience members, surely excuse the extremely blue humour (which, again, I am a fan of).

For this reason, Devcich straddles the old-school and the new-school, which is quite appealing in a comic and ensures a wide appeal. One not to miss.


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