Meet at Lumen Bar, BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington

19/10/2019 - 19/10/2019

NZ Improv Festival 2019

Production Details

Walk the streets of Wellington with a fresh perspective.

Be lead through the street by a team of improvisers, each applying their own supernatural twist to your journey along Wellington’s streets.

A performative walk which reinvents the familiar.

The audience will travel for 45 mins arriving at the end of a magical adventure somewhere in Wellington’s City Centre.

Be prepared.

Meet at
Lumen Bar, BATS Theatre, 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington
19 October 2019
at 5:30pm
Full Price $20
Concession Price $15
Group 6+ $15 

NZ Improv Festival

Theatre , Promenade , Outdoor , Improv ,

45 mins

A suitably good natured, madcap way to begin the end

Review by Margaret Austin 20th Oct 2019

I arrive early at Bats to enjoy a red and get the chance to observe the slowly assembling group of volunteers to take part in what has been described as “an inventive walk”. We twenty or so participants are in fact the eponymous ‘Sidewalk Heroes’ of the title. This is an improvised outdoor event and I suspect we’re going to be performers as much as spectators.

After being informed we are in charge of our own health and safety, we duly set off down Kent Terrace, led by the intriguingly turbaned Steve. “What are you guys up to?” enquires a young woman as we step over imaginary danger spots on the pavement. She is only the first in a procession of similarly bemused fellow pedestrians.

Our leader has various tips and admonitions as we traverse a territory I had always thought familiar and safe. I can’t take him too seriously but I don’t think he minds.

There’s major drama outside Liquor King. Our leader is usurped by a female being who instructs us to greet the po-faced couple opposite waiting to cross. Cries of “We love your shoulders” provokes a change of expression and we’re friends after all.

A stop-off at Phantom Billstickers involves a third leader, the 2000 year old M’tuk, who alerts us to the significance of a pair of dangling gym shoes. And we’ve a couple more leaders to go before fetching up back at Bats.

Sidewalk Heroes is a suitably good natured, madcap way to begin the final night of this year’s Improv Festival at Bats. 


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