Skuxx Deluxe

Cavern Club, 22 Allen St, Te Aro, Wellington

16/02/2024 - 18/02/2024

NZ Fringe Festival 2024

Production Details

Keegan Thomas: Performer/Writer/Director/Producer
Kipling Davies-Colley: Performer/Writer/Director/Producer

Keegan Thomas and Kipling DC

Keegan Thomas & Kipling DC are taking the NZ Fringe Festival by storm with their new
standup show ‘Skuxx Deluxe’ from February 16th-18th.
These boys are putting the K in “Skuxx”. Years after leaving Highschool these two
phenomenal up-and-coming comedians are bringing their new standup hour to the NZ
Fringe Festival to show they are still cool, and very much so still skuxx. Together, these
two boys-become-men present you with an hour of silly you will never forget!
Keegan once accidentally started a fight club in high school. Kipling gave himself the
nickname Lazarbeam at university for more street cred. Come laugh! Come cry! And come
try take anything they say seriously…

What: Stand Up Comedy
When : Friday 16th February 8.00 pm
Saturday 17th February 8.00 pm
Sunday 18th February 8.30 pm
Where : Cavern Club
Who: Keegan Thomas, Kipling DC

Keegan Thomas burst onto the scene in early 2021 and ever since has been entertaining
crowds with elaborate storytelling, wicked one-liners, and a “Freight train of energy” (Art
Murmurs). He has quickly become a fan favorite in the Wellington Comedy scene, and
returns to the NZ Fringe festival after his critically acclaimed solo show ‘Enter the
““Has the audience laughing before he even steps on stage” “Keegan brings us into his
manic hyper fixation so convincingly” – Regional News

Kipling DC is a Jack Russell with a microphone. With a beguiling self-perpetuating energy,
he navigates audiences into a journey of story-telling idiocy silly you have never seen. The
award-winning comic hailing from Whangārei is delighted to be bringing his talents to his
fourth fringe festival in NZ, this time bigger and better than ever.

“[A] maturity beyond his years And most importantly… very funny” – Brendan Lovegrove

Keegan Thomas
Kipling Davies-Colley

Stand-up comedy , Comedy , Theatre ,

1 Hour

Impro and stand up combo clearly welcomed by a cooperative audience

Review by Margaret Austin 17th Feb 2024

The crowd at the Cavern Bar is predictably young. I ask the very young man next to me why this show is his pick for the Fringe Festival’s first night. He replies that stand-up comedy is always a drawcard and adds that the title is intriguing. He’ll be expecting a definition. I imagine we all are.

In burst our two performers, Kipling DC and Keegan Thomas. They rush amongst the audience demanding attention. “Are we skuxx?” they want to know. Kipling is first to take the stage and mess with the front row, making comedy hay out of their responses. An especially raucous group can be depended on to find everything uproarious, and Kipling responds with practised glee – well, as practised as improvisation can be!  

We’re no nearer a definition of “skuxx” by the time Keegan takes over. “I’ll stalk Instagram to find out why you’re here,” he opens with. His material consists more of entertaining anecdotes than improvised exchange. School days turn out to be a theme as he explores everything from mufti day experiences, to bullying, to witnessing acts of sexual congress in unusual places. And he notes a particular drawback of wearing 3D glasses.

Are we surprised that the source for most of his comedy is his education at a Catholic boys’ school? Something’s got to be said for such a place. And is it any surprise that retaliation took the form of a Fight Club, created with the help of Facebook, and involved events in unlikely places? Discovery could have meant trouble…

But all’s well that ends well. We have a comedy twosome providing a combination of stand up and improvisation that’s clearly welcomed by a cooperative audience. Just avoid the front row if you’re not skuxx!


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