Sleeping Ocean

Hamish Hay Bridge, Victoria Square, Christchurch

02/10/2015 - 04/10/2015

Production Details

Sleeping Ocean 

“We are travellers, nomadic boats. We, sleeping ocean, listen for your tidal pull. Still water, stills dreams. Our imagination chained to your seabed.” Text derived by the artists of Sleeping Ocean (2014).

Layering contemporary dance, spoken word, real-time electronic music, design and fine art in various combinations over 3 days, a cabin in the centre of Victoria Square forms a ‘port’ for these performing artists – each in a process of navigation within their own creative practice.

Stumbling on invisible ideas as we traverse this shared ‘ocean’, we materialise them with our moving bodies, our sound, and the contours of paint and words. We try to make sense of our travels, and in traversing the same space are reminded that we are not alone. Come and join us for however long.

Sleeping Ocean for the Body Festival follows on from the success of the Auckland-based Sleeping Ocean project in 2014, and is produced by Gatekeeper Curation. 

Company Sleeping Ocean Collective
Venue Hamish Hay Bridge, Victoria Square
Date/Time Fri 2nd Oct 12 to 6pm Sat 3rd Oct 11am to 6pm Sun 4th Oct 11am to 2pm
Tickets Free event

Site-specific/site-sympathetic , Performance installation , Outdoor ,

3-6 hours daily

Wellingon City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust
Creative NZ
Auckland City Council