Stand Up For Kids-09

Capital E, Wellington

09/05/2009 - 17/05/2009

Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, The Edge, Auckland

09/05/2009 - 24/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

The Nickelodeon® Kids’ Comedy Season 2009 

Stand Up For Kids is set to play at
the Herald Theatre, THE EDGE® in Auckland
(11am, 9-10, 16-17, 23-24 May)
and will debut in Wellington’s
Capital E, Civic Square, McKenzie Theatre
(1pm, 9-10, 16-17 May).

Comedians from all over the festival will entertain kids and adults alike with all new material written especially for the young ‘uns.

The 2009 line up includes critically applauded Scotswoman Janey Godley, clean comedy aficionado Dave Wiggins, Billy T Winner Steve Wrigley and Australia’s own Mickey D – with many more acts to be announced. All the comedians will be cleaning up their act and showcasing their family friendly material.


They made it through unscathed

Review by Venus Stephens 11th May 2009

Oh the patience required when entertaining kids! I would liken the exercise of performing Stand Up to the pint sized to a procession of sheep (the comedians) being led mercilessly past the shearing shed and straight into the culling shed. Oh they look cuddly enough (the kids) and smell like lollies, but once the little monsters get started with their ‘opinions’ they can leave an adult flustered and trying to remember their first name.

It is Saturday morning 11am and I am equipped with two of the aforementioned cuddly things, my sidekicks for life; and blessed daughters. The Herald Theatre is abuzz with families anxious to get their hour of snot jokes and laughs.

Not one to disappoint, our MC 2008 Billy T Award winner Steve Wrigley jogs out to hearty applause from the ‘midget many’ and their parents. Immediately he has the kids onside with a Star Wars ‘Wookie’ voice and kind jabs at audience member’s names, nonsense that has us all chuckling in unison.

Jared Fell is the first comic up to entertain, his practiced hand at magic tricks score him cool points with a sully 12 yr old in the front row. Jared is quick and funny, his wit dissolves the lads ‘magic is babyish’ attitude and wins over the audience with his ‘cool as’ string tricks.

Next up is James Nokise whose quick wit and straight up funniness has the young ones impressed with the exploits of ‘Dora the Explorer’ his ‘ninja’ kitten whose breakfast stunts include jumping onto James’ head from the kitchen counter. James raises the subject of teenage gangstas and the silliness of their posturing, which by no surprise goes over the heads of the My Little Pony and Ben 10 prone audience. It is a sensitive social issue that Nokise is trying to address through humour; diluting the fear attached with the strengthening tool of laughter.

Figjam, third in the lineup, introduces himself while explaining the origins of his name. He quickly employs a packet of giant marshmallows, another willing audience member and MC Steve Wrigley in a skit based on the busy morning routine of the young lad’s Mum.

Armed with sweets, the savvy young-un is quick to devour the treats (without prompting) thus adding a sense of urgency for the comics; who require the goodies to complete the gag. It is a hand’s on performance that has the audience in an uproar. One lady in front of me is laughing so hard she starts snorting. My 8yr old loves the display, while the younger of the two is keen to leave so she can eat morning tea.

The performance is that powerful.

Mickey D is last up, an International guest fro fair Australia he seals his popularity by coaxing a young lass up front to share her ‘snot picking’ techniques. What ensues is a detailed account of the picking and disposal technique – or, in Mickey D and the young lady’s case, the eating of said snot. By now the kids are blissfully noisy and enthusiastically close the morning with fart noises and whoops of appreciation.

A great time has been had by all this past hour, and for this time at least, our comics (metaphorical ‘sheep’) have been allowed to return to the safety of the paddock unscathed’.
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