Homies Cosy Teahouse, 92 Manners St, Wellington
10/03/2015 - 14/03/2015
NZ Fringe Festival 2015 [reviewing supported by WCC]
Production Details
Three Dukes fight for the sovereignty over the fertile land of Alandia. But before they win the war, they must first win the hearts, minds and hands of you – the people.
The 3 Dukes is an audience driven promenade adventure in Alandia – a mythic world hiding in plain sight amongst the nooks and crannies of Downtown Wellington.
An epic story unfolds over 4 days, as the Dukes try to appease the people by taking the audience’s real world complaints and solving them with fantastical solutions.
The 3 Dukes’ Co-director, George Fenn, explains “The show functions like a community forum, and in my view it has to be Koha. We are making theatre for our community that can be accessed by all. You shouldn’t have to pay to have a say.”
“The characters may live in a different world, but the show is still very centred on the Wellington, New Zealand. We want the audience to see what they see every day in a different light, and maybe inspire them
to be a little heroic in their mundane world.”
Brought to you by General Admission for Fringe Festival 2015, this come and go koha show will travel through our favourite Wellington locations, transformed. It’s up to you and the Alandian heroes to restore happiness to the realm.
Head to Homies Cosy Teahouse – our raucous Tavern – for 4 afternoons of escalating adventure and intrigue from 10th – 14th March, between 3 pm and 7 pm.
Adventure awaits!
Homie’s Cosy Teahouse, Manners St
March 10th – 14th
3 pm – 7 pm
Koha entry
Theatre , Gaming ,
Magic, demons, trickery and delight
Review by Patrick Davies 11th Mar 2015
I step into Homies Tea House, a very bohemian affair reminiscent of all student hangouts, and sit myself down at a table. On it are three exquisite pencil-drawn maps of three familiar yet distant lands. Whilst sipping on a cup of Majestic Tea I am joined by Anders, a Mage of hereabouts. He enlightens me as to the differences between Mages, Warlocks and Druids. I only have the slightest knowledge and he’s very good at giving me the Mages’ perspective on those selfish Warlocks and crazy Druids – no wonder the Mages have only recently allowed them onto the Council of Magic.
The moment I stepped into the place I stepped into a foreign land – Alandia to be precise. Luckily I’m in time for a town meeting, the agenda set by a select few who aren’t dressed for their parts, myself included. However the meeting is rudely interrupted by a Dragon who, after scarring the bejesus out of us, flies of into the distance to create who knows what havoc. Luckily we are in the presence of a band of Princes and Magic folk who enlist our help in what will become a world-defining quest.
We become a fellowship venturing onto the outside world, crossing torrid rivers of bitumen to find the next chapter. Soon after moving through the weird and wonderful populace, creatures swarm through the way of Cuba, each bargaining with local shop-keepers and others singing for their supper … We arrive to find a Duke captured within a glistening trap surrounded by a Druid and a Warlock.
With little hope our Druid gives each member a Rune to use and we manage to free the Duke using our special incantations. And then the fellowship is split, as often fellowships are, and we take different journeys to the same conclusion: the rise of a new Duke and the dealing to a particular threat.
This is a promenade performance /journey /mission that any Comicon geek will love. Actors clothed within their own created characters spin stories and information as we walk between five different parts of the city to engage with magic, demons, trickery and delight. Once you give yourself over to the fun it becomes like being a stranger in a foreign land.
As we are guided between events we look differently and anew at those who walk around us. Near the end of our time this is more prevalent as we hearty few walk through flocks of strangers in their business garb as they hurtle home, plugged into their earphones. Not once do I blink awry at being led by a Seer decked in black and with a tree as a staff thorough the streets, given that everyone else is in their costume too.
There are a number of magical events we witness and partake in only too happily, like some kind of pick-a-path. The story is simple: the Duke is dying and all is not right in the land. More than that would be to give away how it unfolds, but is simply and effectively done. At times the extemporization may have been a little iffy but there’s a comfy feel to this performance and you admire the real-time role playing the cast get very much into.
This is really good Fringe material and a great promenade performance.
Copyright © in the review belongs to the reviewer
