The Adventures of the White Unicorn

Globe 2, Globe Theatre, 312 Main St, Palmerston North

10/02/2024 - 10/02/2024

Palmy Comedy Festival 2024

Production Details

Writer, producer and performer Heli Pärna

Standup comedy show solo at Palmy Comedy Fest.
10 February at 18:45 at the Globe Theater in Palmerston North
Tickets are 16 dollars. Booking link

Theatre , Stand-up comedy , Comedy , Solo ,

60 minutes

Hugely vivacious and likeable

Review by John C Ross 11th Feb 2024

Partway through her spiel Heli Pärna contends that since an aging male can be called a silver fox, she can be a white unicorn. Still, one sees her, at age thirty-eight as, as yet, a pale brown unicorn.

She tells us she comes from Estonia, yet is half-Russian – saying her right breast can be Russian since it’s bigger than the left one. She’s currently based in Brussels, and just briefly in this country.

Heli tells us she’s single again, after a ten-year-long relationship ended, and shares some ruefully funny stories about dating experiences. She’s hugely vivacious and likeable, holds the audience’s interest and relates to it, impressively well.


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