The Brendhan Lovegrove Project

Downstage Theatre, Wellington

30/05/2006 - 03/06/2006

ODDFELLOWS Comedy Festival

Production Details

Brendhan Lovegrove

He’s flown the Kiwi comedy flag on the UK Pro Circut for the last four years as both a headliner and a host, now he has returned home, with his wit razor sharp, to challenge audiences to laugh at this years ODDFELLOWS NZ International Comedy Festival.

Arguably the most dangerously talented standup comedian in New Zealand. His manic physical presence combined with a sureness of delivery and material that can, at once, be described as verging on the psychotic side of human nature, has delighted and, indeed, frightened audiences throughout New Zealand.

In 1998 he was a joint Winner of NZ’s prestigious Billy T Award for Comedy, since then his TV credits include “Live At Jongleurs” for UKGold/ITV and countless spots on New Zealand’s’ foremost stand up show “Pulp Comedy”, including the last series which he hosted. Brendhan achieved another first, when he was the first Kiwi to ever get a paid spot at London’s Comedy Store.

Catch him at the top of his game!

Theatre , Comedy , Solo ,


True ingenuity lurks

Review by John Smythe 30th May 2006

Totally at home on stage with his mic, Brendhan Lovegrove is fluent, flippant, outrageous and out there.

It’s a him-against-the world sort of take on life, with every ‘other’ character played in the same half-voice, slightly camp, with over-wrought facial expression. Strange. Much of his material arises from is experiences as a comic which is a bit self-referential.

But beneath Brendhan’s seedy persona, obsession with non-mainstream sexual practices and compulsive need to make us laugh at dwarfs and the mentally retarded – come on mate, move on, eh? – there lurks a truly ingenious comic.

He engages well with the audience, ventures into some surreal riffs and excels in particular with a rave on cricket that’s all the better for sounding spontaneous.

Acquired taste he may be but he’s also an accomplished pro who delivers.


brendhan lovegrove January 26th, 2007

to read a review of this gig,go to waiheke gulf news and look it up.its a great review.i,being brendhan,loved this show.if u didnt enjoy it thats fair enough but i seem to remember 90% laughing like was a wierd gig because it became clear very early that pretty much every body there had never seen stand up felt like people flinched when i said good evening.the only woman i gave a hard time to was so off her face she couldnt even put a sentence together.when i asked her questions she grunted noises.classy.i love it when parts of the crowd feel offended when larger parts of the crowd are laughing,theres a split and thats good.i cant even remember what i talked about that night but i can remember really enjoying it.

Waihekegirl December 4th, 2006

I saw Brendhan Lovegrove recently and was really disappointed. He is truly talented, but wastes that talent on homophobic jokes and insulting the audience. I appreciate that maybe I don't 'get' this 'non-pc' style of comedy, but I wasn't alone in my opinion. A number of us found him negative and aggressive - but talented. It was interesting to note as well, that he 'picked on' female members of the audience almost exclusively. Someone said to me that they just felt so much negativity and aggression coming from the guy, it wasn't a fun experience. He does need to move on from dwarfs and gays - get over it Brendhan, and use your talents more positively!

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