Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee Street, Wellington

23/02/2017 - 25/02/2017

BATS Theatre, The Random Stage, 1 Kent Tce, Wellington

01/03/2019 - 03/03/2019

NZ Fringe Festival 2017 [reviewing supported by WCC]

NZ Fringe Festival 2019

Production Details

Join Mr. Bubbles with his beautiful soap bubbles in all shapes and sizes! Enjoy bouncy bubbles, bubbles inside bubbles, smoke bubbles, square bubbles, giant bubbles and even fire bubbles!

The Bubble Show is interactive and suitable for all ages. Children and adults all enjoy the magical bubbling. The show is a unique blend of Magic, storytelling and Bubble-Art! Join us as we journey together through the realms of Bubbland! The Highland Joker is an Award-Winning International Entertainment and Creative Workshops company, after years of success in the Scottish Highlands we are now based in Auckland, New-Zealand! We specialize in performing with SOAP BUBBLES!

The company is owned and managed by Eran ‘The Bubble Man’, who initially trained professionally as a teacher (B.Ed.) and later on as an actor (MA Merit) at the Guildford School of Acting and has many years experience as a workshop facilitator and a performing artist. He is a member of The Variety Artists Club of New Zealand International Magicians Society. After bubbling for two seasons at the Edinburgh Fringe it is our pleasure to bring the Bubbles Show to the Wellington Fringe! More information on:

Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee St, Te Aro, Wellington
23-25 Feb, 3.30pm
25 Feb 2017, 11am
TICKETS: $10/$7 


BATS Theatre, the Random Stage
1 – 3 March 2019
11am & 2pm & 6:30pm

Theatre , Family , Children’s ,

45 mins

Now you see them, now you c

Review by John Smythe 24th Feb 2017

‘Mr Bubbles’, personified by an English ex-soldier called Eran, works wonders with buckets, bowls and troughs of water and detergent, plus an assortment of implements, some of which we’ll find at home while others have been cunningly crafted.

Everyone – children, parents and caregivers – in the packed Gryphon Theatre can relate to the magical moment he revisits of creating his very first bubble. Apart from some conceptual conjuring with flat and solid bubbles, he produces a full range from minuscule to huge, playing with shapes and whimsical ideas like a bubble trampoline, ‘smoke’-filled bubbles and baby bubbles inside a mummy bubble.

He gets children up to balance bubbles on their hands, play pass-the-bubble, be endowed with an impressive bubble hairstyle and, as his penultimate trick, get encased in a bubble.

Meanwhile he solves the problem of how to create a cube bubble (which he insists on calling square). And especially in honour of the NZ Fringe, he offers a ‘Bubble Art’ segment, employing a circular lightbox and a sophisticate range of implements to create complex bubble structures.

After 50 minutes of being collectively entranced, it only takes one child to leap up and burst a bubble in the final lyrical sequence for the destructive urge to take over. I feel for Eran who accepts the inevitable without complaint. We oldies can only imagine the epic poetic finale he was going for, accompanied by the Strauss classic, Also sprach Zarathustra.

Probably the best element the kids take away is a realisation they only need a bowl of soapy water and their own bare hands to make their own bubble magic. Much fun will doubtless ensue – followed possibly by fights when siblings burst their bubbles. Ah well … It was ever thus.

“Like all things in life,” Eran has said sagely, early on, “bubbles come and bubbles go.” Now you see them, now you … 


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