The Erroneous Forest

Fringe Bar, Cnr Cuba & Vivian, Wellington

22/02/2011 - 26/02/2011

Production Details

Improvisation to tickle the funny bone and to haunt the imagination. A twisted walk down a darkened path into a comic world of spontaneous creation.

Show image "Twisted Tree" by Fabio Zangla

Fringe Bar
22 – 26 Feb 9:30pm

Full $15.00
Concession $12.00
Fringe Addict Card Holder $10.00 


Quite bizarre and macabre improv

Review by Helen Sims 24th Feb 2011

Forest ranger Craig (Simon Smith dressed as a boy scout) invites us into a deep, dark corner of the forest, the part called The Erroneous Forest. Craig extols us to be very quiet, in the hopes that we can coax out the creatures who live there, Mep and Orp (Christine Brooks and Derek Flores). Sure enough, they emerge, eager to tell us the stories that are transcribed on the leaves of the forest.

Within this frame, three improvised stories are played out, with varying degrees of success. Mostly the stories are quite bizarre and macabre, and the offers from the audience seem to have little impact on them. The forest creatures premise, which is hilariously creepy to begin with, is only fleetingly returned to between the improvised stories. 

There was also a tendency between the performers to block each others’ offers, which was surprising given these are three experienced improvisers.

The last of the three stories, in which Craig valiantly tries to tell a happy story with frequent ghoulish interruptions from Mep and Orp, was the funniest by far. Despite the strangeness of the material, The Erroneous Forest is really a loose vehicle for quite standard improvised storytelling.
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