The League of Extraordinary Teens

Basement Theatre, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland

13/05/2009 - 16/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

Saving the World, One Laugh at a Time

What’s that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a bunch of pimple-ridden teens trying to break into stand-up comedy? No! It’s THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY TEENS!

And they’re coming for you. NZ International Comedy Festival 2009 will be featuring the ’08 Class Comedians. Last year they were thrown into comedy, forced to perform in front of hundreds of people in the Auckland Town Hall for cruel sport, and later joined their comedic superpowers together to produce their own show: I Came, I Saw I Rofled. 

Miss out on that humbug traffic and stay in the city to watch these heroes blast out their individual styles, as eight stand-up prodigies battle the evil of hecklers and wield their microphones until you die from laughter. Witness Joel the Emo. Be amazed at Nikki the Goody-good. Laugh at Danni the Vertically-Challenged Westie and Jordan the Bogan. Enjoy other such stereotypes as AJ the sarcastic rich-girl, Sam the Androgynous Wizard and many more. 

"Is there any group as talented as this ensemble of youngsters? Auckland’s League of Extraordinary Teens are not only truly gifted at the malevolent art of stand-up, but they succeed at it to the point of elevating this comedy subgenre to true art" – The League of Extraordinary Teens. 

Dates:  13 – 16 May, 5.30pm 
Venue:                 The Basement, Lower Greys Ave, City
Tickets:  Adults $15 Concession $10 Group (ten people): $8 each
Bookings:  0800 TICKETEK (0800 842 5385) 

A comedic force to be reckoned with

Review by Venus Stephens 18th May 2009

Seven teenage comedians in 1 hour. Sponsored by the 2009 International Comedy Festival, this League of Extraordinary Teens promises to dazzle with their hijinks of happiness and hairstyles used only for the power of promoting what good shampoo can do!

‘K’ by The Tutts (go NZ Music) is the ‘pysche’ tune the troupe has chosen to open tonight’s gig with; its a popular choice with the gaggle of teenage girls seated next to me dancing in their seats. Oh the lightness of youth.

Upon seeing the MC Danielle, I register that this showcase is indeed a teenage one. She appears to deafening applause and it’s evident she knows how to work the audience. This young woman has confidence plus ‘a bag of chips’. She’s relaxed on her feet and livens the audience up for her cohorts with cheeky banter.

Our first comedian on is Joel Lester the Emo.  He sports the power to smile (on the inside) and wear black while joking his way through the rigmarole of teen life through a curtain of hair. It’s a relevant subject and what they know best, confirmed by responses raised from the receptive audience (who appear to be predominantly family and friends judging from the familial chatter prior to the show).

The pattern that emerges in the L.O.E.T showcase is each comic uses their own extraordinary personality and style, to exhibit their comic smarts in his/her set. It’s a quirky, simple touch that does the troupe service. Every performer maintains his/her individuality and signature while retaining the group theme.

They are all faultless in their delivery and possess the stage presence of seasoned performers. My 17yr old sister Amber is with me, she finds favourites in Nikki Read (Te Radar) with her ‘awkward turtle’ and AJ and Izzy’s offbeat skit that reminds me of ‘Playschool and the Muppets’; I think its the faces and voices they use. It appeals to my inner child…haha.

Personally I like them all, each has a style that’s not pretentious; a some time hazard of inexperience that I have seen plague more mature performers. The humour, wit and comic character employed by each comedian reads like a ‘personality’ shopping list.

There’s Jordan the Westie, his humour has a Jim Beam flavour to it and in his words ‘his hair is like a Pantene ad’. 

Shannon is very feminine and cute; we are told she dyed her hair brunette to encourage her intelligence. Her stage persona is to promote laughs by being ‘ditzy’ in a ‘starts with B and ends with ‘londe’ kinda way.

Sam Blood, ‘hair boy’ as I have dubbed him; is an effervescent mix of good looks and laid back teen reasoning. Like all his ‘teen mates’ he’s funny and relaxed.

Last mention goes to the Magician of the Crew, Chase Manning. His comedy is presented in the guise of magic. Sporting Harry Potter garb, he’s ridiculously cute executing his gag to chuckles and approval from us all in the audience. I like the simplicity of his performance and magic never fails to surprise, especially when the trick takes a skewed path along the way. 

Time has been calculated well in this production. Each of the Teens aptly represent their individual ‘genre’ within their respective time restraint. We are treated to a good dose of humour from each.  

Credit is also due to the League of Extraordinary Teens Producer, 2008 NZ Comedy Guild award winner Heidi O’Loughlin, whose collaborative show A Guide to the Uncool, performed alongside Rose Matafeo, is due to open on May 19 at the Basement.

The League of Extraordinary Teens
is a comedic force to be reckoned with, collectively and individually. They have proven they have the comic smarts to stamp their uniquely made in New Zealand type humour, on our foreheads; to read in capitals: EXTRAORDINARY.
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