The Pantry Shelf

Sweet Grassmarket, Apex Hotel, City 2, Edinburgh, Scotland

05/08/2010 - 30/08/2010

Production Details

Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2010

Satirical comedy revealing the micro-society of branded egos living in the darkness of your pantry shelf but mostly It’s a love triangle between a revolutionary new muesli bar, a bag of porridge and a block of chocolate.

Sweet Grassmarket, Apex Hotel, City 2
Lunchtime show from 12.45 – 13.45
August 5th – 30th 2010


A feast for the eyes

Review by Sarah Howell 11th Aug 2010

“Are you saying I need to sex up my oats?” is just one of the comedic, food-based lines that make this conceptually clever piece so enjoyable. Immediately thrust into the madcap world of talking food, the play begins with the awakening screech of a wasabi pea tub and doesn’t look back.

Soon, we are presented with the hilariously varied ways in which corn chips, chocolate, peas, a quinoa bar and porridge oats could advertise themselves as viable snacks for purchaser Mandy.

Although the large number of blackouts and lack of room slightly slow the pace, any loss of atmosphere is made up for by the buzzing delivery of every line.

A feast for the eyes, and very much worth a watch.

tw rating: 4/5
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