Theatresports 2010

Circa Two, Circa Theatre, 1 Taranaki St, Waterfront, Wellington

25/04/2010 - 27/06/2010

NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

Production Details

An epic comedy battle for the whole family!
When Theatresports met The Improvisors a great relationship began that has had audiences rolling in the aisles for 20 years. In 2010 Theatresports is back and you get the chance to see why this has been Wellington’s longest lasting comedy show.
Two teams face-off every week featuring a plethora great performers from the past, present and future of The Improvisors, in celebration of our 20th Anniversary. Teams battle each other to make you laugh in a show that’s been different every night for 20 years!
The audience fuels the fun with suggestions and sits in judgement on the final product so join us for a night of improvised hilarity every Sunday culminating in the ultimate final all-star showdown June 27th – don’t miss it!
Welcome to The Improvisors 20th Anniversary Season! After starting in 1990 at Circa Theatre, in 20 years The Improvisors have achieved over 40 shows, covering everything from musicals to multimedia, Shakespeare to Soap Opera and of course Theatresports and were awarded BEST COMEDY at the 2009 Fringe Festival.
Dates: Sun 25 April, Sun 2 & Sun 9 May, 7.30pm
Venue: Circa Two, 1 Taranaki St, City
Tickets:  Adults $18, Conc $15
Booking:  Circa Theatre 04 801 7992 or
Show Duration: 1 hour 30 mins (incl. interval)

Part of NZ International Comedy Festival 2010

1hr 30min, incl. interval - Sundays Only

A special kind of performance

Review by Jackson Coe 26th Apr 2010

Professional Improvisation is always a real treat, and that’s no secret to Wellington audiences. In a stellar opening night for the New Zealand International Comedy Festival, The Improvisors took the reins of Circa Two with a great evening of my favourite kind of improv, Theatresports. 
Judging by last night’s rollick, The Improvisor’s occupancy of Circa Two for the week is going to be killer.
MC Pete Doile puts us at ease and helps get the audience into gear with a few practice offers, because let’s face it, Theatresports are nothing without a few good calls from the audience. Our ‘reigning champion’ Richard Faulkner holds the judge’s seat, and he keeps the teams working hard with his sparse scoring. He shoots a couple of penalties Greg Ellis’ way during the night, yet somehow Ellis manages to make it work and keeps his team scoring consistently higher than their competitors.
As expected the warm-up is a little dry, but we’re away laughing when Ian Harcourt finds himself put on the spot, accused of bullying Napoleon Bonaparte. The teams deal well with a few awkward audience offers about Anzac Day, and then just before the break we’re delivered a superb round of Torture Puppets starring Anna Kennedy, Greg Ellis, Kenny King and Aaron Alexander. 
It’s here that we really get an idea of how well The Improvisors work together as a team, with the lighting (Gareth Ruck) and music (Robbie Ellis) working in perfect synchronisation with the performance offers.
After the break we’re treated to a great second half where Tim Gordon and Ian Harcourt perform a ballet which proves that age is no barrier to supple joints. We end the night with a raucous Love Duet between Ellis and Kennedy about stamp collecting that had Faulkner squirming with rage at the blatant flout of his penalty ruling. He gave them a top score.
The thing which makes Theatresports unique to other forms of improvisation is the contract between audience and performers. I recall a year or so ago some debate about improvisers ‘outlining’ scenes before they are up on stage. Theatresports make this impossible because we create the scenes for them – the improvisers need us and we need them. There’s something special about this kind of performance that is hard to replicate elsewhere.
The Improvisors are occupying Circa Two for this first week of the Comedy Festival. Check out one of their many offerings – you will be glad that you did.
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