Ombrellos, 10 Clarendon Street, Dunedin North

13/03/2014 - 14/03/2014

Dunedin Fringe 2014

Production Details

Time of My Life is a new stand up show from award winning comedian Tarun Mohanbhai describing the best and worst times of his life. From his years working in the family dairy (which he truly hated) to being the poster boy for his local gym, doing aerobics displays in shopping malls, to touring the world as a stand-up comedian. You’ll have the time of YOUR life at Time of My Life

Focusing on his life being the son of a Grocer and the years working in the dairy and why he stayed doing something he truly hated for as long as he did. Then venturing into realms of him as a shy child to the point of having 0 social skills to talk in public to being the poster boy for my local gym and doing aerobics displays in shopping malls and Santa parades. Then eventually finding his way in to stand-up comedy, which in itself was a journey with its own ups and downs. 

March 13, 14 
Ombrellos, 10 Clarendon St, Dunedin
8:30 pm | 60 min 
Online Tickets: $17 
Door Sales: $22 
Dash Tickets (0800 327 484)  
Door sales available (cash only)
World Premier 
Adult Themes 
Wheelchair Accessible

– See more at: http://www.dunedinfringe.org.nz/artist-events/view/time-of-my-life#sthash.MAmiZZ4s.dpuf

Theatre , Stand-up comedy ,


Some stumbles and mis-steps in an otherwise hilarious try-out show

Review by Reuben Hilder 14th Mar 2014

Tarun ‘That Indian Guy’ Mohanbhai does not claim to present a polished show but confesses at the beginning of the evening that he is simply “trying things out” in a much more autobiographical vein of stand-up than any of his previous work. He has chosen the perfect informal venue – the restaurant floor of Ombrello’s – for his experimentation.

Time of My Life focuses on – and finds its comedy in – the (supposedly) true experiences of Mohanbhi, from growing up in the one Indian family in an all-white district of Auckland, to the awkward years of adolescence, to his misadventures in comedy and playwriting, to his unsuccessful marriage. Each episode told in an unglamorous but upbeat style and accompanied by a series of photographs from throughout his life.   

As can be expected for comedy being developed on a trial and error basis, at times it is highly amusing and at other times it is almost painful to watch. When Mohanbhai finds his flow he becomes animated and highly engaging, adapting to his audience’s reactions with an organic fluidity. During these moments he can only be described as hilarious. However, at other moments he stumbles and his jokes become laboured and tiresome. These moments are only exacerbated by his lack of preparation. 

This being a Fringe show, I am content – indeed I expect – to watch an artist experiment with styles and I am more than willing to wait through the low points to experience the moments of great comedy. I am far less tolerant of frequently forgotten lines. A line must be drawn somewhere, and a performer stopping mid-sentence to consult, and sometimes to read directly from, his script, crosses that line for me, as does taking a dinner break and filling it by showing film clips from previous shows. 

Mishaps notwithstanding, Mohanbhai ultimately redeems himself. His sheepish acknowledgement of his mistakes and stories of personal anguish and embarrassment bring to the show a humble and relatable tone missing from some of his previous work.

The night as a whole is enjoyable and I would thoroughly recommend it as a relaxed and entertaining evening for fans of the stand-up genre. Mohanbhai’s new self-aware and often self-deprecating style lays down solid groundwork. Once he becomes comfortable and confident with it, as the season progresses, I have every confidence he will develop and refine Time of My Life into a fantastic performance. 


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