BATS Theatre, The Heyday Dome, 1 Kent Tce, Wellington

23/02/2016 - 25/02/2016

NZ Fringe Festival 2016 [reviewing supported by WCC]

Production Details

SEASON ONE of “Tomorrow Night Live” is hosted by two performers prevalent on the variety scene and is sure to be a hilarious ride. After winning the “Iron Chicken” for the best Kiwi act at the Christchurch World Buskers Festival, they are itching to bring something new to the Wellington Fringe. Zane and Degge are pushing boundaries with a show that caters not only to a live audience but an online audience as well.

From the people that brought you the sell out show “How to Universe” comes something completely different. “Tomorrow Night Live” is an hour long theatre show about creating a 5 minute recorded talk show. Every live show creates a brand new original “Tomorrow Night Live” to be aired on YouTube. The theatre show is about watching the chaos and comedy that is created during the process of creating the 5 minute video, as well as the video content itself.

The show is a combination of scripted, adlibbed and physical comedy using audience as a key element.  With a “not-so-special guest” straight from the audience and a scheduled “special guest” the audience has the chance to sit back and enjoy the laughs as well as a chance to be a part of the action.

The show starts with a standing ovation giving the online viewers the illusion that “Zane and Degge” are almost as loved as Opera or Ellen. Chances are we won’t be giving away nearly as much free stuff though…

The theatre show and the edited video are all about what you don’t see in the other. The edited video will feature two hosts with the situation under control; the live show could be another story!

Bats Theatre – The Dome – 1 Kent Terrace, Wellington
Dates: Tuesday 23rd of Feb – Thursday 25th Feb
Time: 7pm 
Tickets From:
Ticket prices: $16 FULL / $13 CONCESSION /   $12 FRINGE ADDICT CARD 

Theatre ,

I enjoy seeing the sausage get made

Review by Shannon Friday 24th Feb 2016

Chatting in the BATS Theatre bar prior to the show, I really have no idea what I’m going into.  Neither, it turns out, does anyone else.

Tomorrow Night Live is a live taping of a YouTube talk show, like Jimmy Fallon or Jay Leno.  It’s mostly an interview format, with a special guest artist and a not-so-special guest pulled from the audience.  From the 50 minutes we’re in The Dome, a 5-minute video will be created, to be uploaded the day after 

I’d honestly never considered how well The Dome works for this setup.  There’s the obligatory desk, complete with branded mugs and cue cards, stage left and still a fair bit of room for cameras to be set up in multiple spaces around it.  A blank space centre stage serves as the performance stage for the special guest.

We, the BATS audience, are the future YouTube video’s “studio audience.”  Throughout the evening we’re given a variety of tasks to perform for the cameras. Our tasks range from clapping at various levels of enthusiasm (golf claps to completely bonkers) to throwing enormous dice at the stage, to manning a camera. 

It’s not a conversation, like much audience interaction; we’re given concrete tasks with very clear instructions.  It reminds me of watching street jugglers, when they pull a volunteer onstage and tell them to stand very still right THERE so we don’t hit you.

The specificity of our tasks is possibly due to the long experience our hosts – Zane and Degge Jarvie – have with circus and physical performances.  Given the cameras are poised for torso or head and shoulders shots, Zane and Degge instead opt for stillness that sometimes falls into stiffly held poses – hands clasped and shoulders set – that make it hard to see past the camera’s position.  I’m not sure it is a necessary evil of filming, either; having attending tapings of both Jon Stewart’s Daily Show and Good Morning America, I’ve seen performers handle the dual challenge before. 

As a duo, they opt for an Abbott and Costello smart guy/screw-up dynamic.  Degge, for example, has foregone wearing pants, as he fully expects to sit behind the desk the entire time.   His every action causes Zane exasperation, from late camera setups to trying to clean the studio between takes.  While the dynamic is clear, the patter is really repetitive, with little detail of each specific screw-up.  

There’s a news section using ask-fors from the audience. We’re assured it will make sense in the video, and I hope so, because I have no idea what is going on ‘outside’, though I am digging Zane’s choice in absenting himself from the studio.  Since the video hasn’t come out as of the time of writing this review, I have to take their word for it. 

Not-so-special guest Shane starts as a stand-in for the special guest during a ‘practice take’.  His introduction is maybe one of the best examples of (over?) rewarding an audience member ever.  Not only does Shane get applause for being chosen, but he is chosen to let us practice our enthusiastic clapping!  It’s gutsy to stand there and receive that much attention. 

Dorge, a disgraced Sesame Street monster who left after too many experiences with roofies, and his sidekick Jon Coddington, of Puppet Fiction cult fame, are the evening’s special guests. Dorge/Coddington are totally engaging to watch; a foul-mouthed, butt-obsessed Muppet is inherently funny.  And I am mesmerized by the mechanics of the puppeteering, especially what does or does not translate from human body to a puppet’s floating torso. Since we see all of Dorge and Coddington’s bodies, I’m curious how a shorter frame in camera will change my perception.

And for me, that is the appeal of the evening.  I enjoy seeing the sausage get made, from the workaday takes and retakes of entrances and exits to the puppetry.  If this feels like half a review, it’s because the experience feels somewhat incomplete without having seen the video.  I’m looking forward to its release sometime this afternoon. 


Editor February 24th, 2016

And here is the link to last night's Tomorrow Night Live YouTube video: 

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