19 Tory St, Wellington

26/02/2015 - 28/02/2015

NZ Fringe Festival 2015 [reviewing supported by WCC]

Production Details


The 2015 New Zealand Fringe Festival sees the world premiere of Toward a Better Understanding of the Universe, written, produced and performed by David Klein. This is a one man show about science, curiosity, and education both in and out of school.

Klein says, “The show aims to present a range of scientific ideas in a simple, fun and engaging way, and inspire the curiosity of the audience. I hope to get them asking questions about the world around them. It’ll be like the coolest ever TED talk!”

A 10 minute ‘sampler’ of the show was performed in July as part of Binge Culture’s Scratch Nights. Reviews from that performance said it was “fun and educational” and Klein was noted as having great stage presence. 

With a background in radio and public speaking, this is the first Fringe Festival show devised and performed entirely by Klein. “You can only go to so many Fringe shows before you decide to do your own,” he says.  

Toward a Better Understanding of the Universe.
7pm, Feb 26, 27, 28
at 17 Tory St, Wellington.
Koha/donation entry 

Bookings and more information available at  

Theatre , Solo ,


Intimate delivery of wonderment

Review by Maraea Rakuraku 27th Feb 2015

First off, sincere apologies to David Klein, encountering a traffic jam, (yes Wellington has those) meant a usual commute of 20 minutes turned into an hour meaning,  I caught the final half hour of Toward a Better Understanding of the Universe. I do feel a little aggrieved about that, because on entering and after the first few minutes, it became apparent I had missed something pretty special and that the pay-off 30 minutes later is reliant on all that came before.

In front stands a man whose soft delivery and handwritten charts has a full house enraptured. And I can see why. There is magic going on that is so subtle you could miss it a little. This is part lecture, part spoken word, part fly-on-the-wall-standing-in-front-of-the-mirror performance.

Yet there is an intimacy and I can’t figure out if it’s because of his manner, voice, tone, pace, natural delivery, likeability or all of the above. I suspect the later. There is something very believable, honest and truthful about Klein. If you had to hear shit news this is who you would want it delivered by.

This is an autobiographical journey told through the Universe. Yes, the goddam amazing universe that we’re all a part of. See, that’s what I mean about magic. I’m hooked. 

Klein riffs on his love of Science which led him to the University of Canterbury and eventually graduating with a Bachelor of Science. He then brings it full circle back to the wonder that is you: the individual that owes its /your /our existence to those who came before you /us. Loving it.

With development Toward a Better Understanding of the Universe could be something spectacular. I like its simplicity. I like its lack of cynicism. I like its honesty and – yeah, I know I missed the first 30 minutes but – its wonderment in the delivery. It’s nice not to be dazzled by all the bells and whistles and to just listen. Yes, really listen. Intently and with intent.

I don’t know if that is what Klein intends but it’s what I take from it. I do speak with an acquaintance afterwards who was there from the beginning, to check whether I had a correct enough gauge on it. He agreed. Klein, carry on doing what you’re doing. I look forward to seeing how you and this work develops.


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