Wil Anderson: Wilosophy

Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, The Edge, Auckland

11/05/2009 - 16/05/2009

NZ International Comedy Festival 2007-09, 2013

Production Details

As seen on Rove

He’s taken his time but Wil Anderson is finally coming to Auckland. A household name in Australia with a trail of sold out shows from Melbourne to Edinburgh to Montreal, Wil is one of comedy’s biggest names.

Wil Anderson performs his show Wilosophy in Auckland in May for the NZ International Comedy Festival 2009, at the Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE® from May 11-16.

Wil is a truly prolific stand up comic, generating a totally new, sharply written show every year since 1997. For five years he hosted Australia’s most listened to breakfast radio show, was the host of the AFI award-winning ABC-TV hit The Glass House for five years and is currently the host of The Gruen Transfer which launched in 2008, landing the biggest audience ever for an ABC-TV debut. He is also a popular newspaper columnist and has published a book of those columns. Not too bad for a bloke who says he got into comedy through "lack of other skills".

Despite his success on television, Radio and in print, stand up comedy is Wil’s passion and he spends months on the road every year, jamming in tours between his media commitments.

Politics, pop and the banal come together delivered with more conviction and enthusiasm that any man’s vocal chords can take. Wil has earned a Perrier Best Newcomer nomination in Edinburgh and has appeared on the prestigious Montreal Just For Laughs gala three times.

Wil Anderson in Wilosophy at
the Herald Theatre, Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®, Auckland
from May 11-16 at 8.30pm.
Book at www.comedyfestival.co.nz or phone 0800 BUY TICKETS (289 842).  

Muscular Aussie thoughtful, silly and beautifully brash

Review by Scott Kara 15th May 2009

Apart from his lily-white feet and jandals, the first thing you notice about Wil Anderson as he wanders on stage are the bulging tendons in his neck.

He looks more like a howler in a rock band than an Australian comedian. He uses these well-developed muscles to great effect when mocking his fellow countrymen and the Aussie accent in variously camp, dumbed-down, or over-the-top ways.

"I tell ya, Aussies turn into seagulls when they get angry," he squawks. [More]
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You Wil(l) be impressed

Review by Venus Stephens 12th May 2009

I have taken to using eye cream in my skincare regime. The bane of middle age has visited me; fine lines have started to creep along my face. The perils of enjoying the Comedy Festival …

I am out to see Wil Anderson this evening, for company I have my long suffering friend Sarah who is quite hard to please when it comes to making her laugh. We enter the Herald Theatre to night club volume Hip hop.  I assume (wrongly) the music is a theme of tonight’s performance.

Lights fade, come up again and there he is, black attire ‘cafe set’ style, borderline metro-sexual with thongs on (he’s Australian).

Initially he looks surprised; it is his maiden visit to New Zealand and he seems for an instant taken aback by the turnout: the house is full. He gains his composure and from there takes us through his ‘Wilosophy’.

Non-stop, Anderson commands our attention with his conscious musings,  jazzed up on cough syrup and Codral to medicate a cold, he waxes lyrical about everything! He waxes on it, and does not fudge a fact.

From N.I.N.J.A Home loans to women’s health issues, the bush fires in Oz and his penchant for hip hop, environmental awareness and vegetarianism, this bloke is articulate and concise.

Anderson is well informed and has passion for his ‘sport’, the practise of raising consciousness and respect for each other and our planet. He plays it out so perfectly, the subject matter in some parts of the show is dead serious but were all rolling in our chairs, trying to stay upright and not wet our pants.

I should mention religion runs as a strong theme in Anderson’s performance. In my opinion his views are valid and clear; it takes skill to visit on the delicate issues of humanity whilst retaining sensitivity to all beliefs. Not an easy undertaking, especially to the soundtrack of laughter.

If you like your comedy hilariously cutting edge, cynical but educational; musical, ethical and fair to the right of free speech… DO NOT MISS Wil Anderson. You won’t be disappointed and you Wil(l) be impressed.

I would know. A ‘family of laugh lines’ have just nestled in the corners of my eyes. Where did I leave that cream?
For more production details, click on the title above. Go to Home page to see other Reviews, recent Comments and Forum postings (under Chat Back), and News. 


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